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Cultivated Reef

PH Low?


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Hi Guys I have just tested my tank and have the following results.


I am a little concerned that the PH is low... any thoughts?




29th March 2010


Calcium 480

DKH 8.3

PO4 1

PH 7.6

MG 1500

NO3 0

NO4 0

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Are the lights off or on?


PH will rise after lights have been on a few hours.


Your DKH of 8.3 is fine. I remember the range being 7-11.


I keep mine @ 9 - 10 and my PH swings 8.13 - 8.21 in 24 hours.


Remember that PH will be affected by MANY factors.


Keep the DKH stable and you shouldn't have a PH problem ... in theory anyway.


Just my hands on experience ... yours may and probably will vary...lol



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That does seem a bit low. Could also be the test kit you're using, I have two and one of them always reads below the other by about 2ph, plus it's harder to read. Do you have a lfs you can have validate your reading?

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The tank has been running for 4 months.


IT is a mature system, as the live rock, sand, water and filters were taken from my system that had been running for 5 years with no problems,

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admittedly it is a little low, 7.8 is at the bottom of my comfort zone. but your alkalinity and calcium are high, that's good.


I know the live rock and sand are established, but do you have any corals? how are they looking? also, has the pH always been this low, or is this test an anomaly? have you tested at different times, ie before your lights come on, then right before they turn off?

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I have quite a number of corals in there


4 X zoas gardens

1 Large Leather

1 large finger coral

1 Alveopora

3 Hammer head frags

1 Large Clove

1 small clove


They are all looking very healthy and have never looked worse for the weather.

The PH has been low for a few weeks now - hence me starting to worry, I have tested it at all parts of the day - it fluctuates between 7.6 - 7.9.


It is a 24G D&D Nano system

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well, try and figure out what changed a couple weeks ago that may be causing the low readings, but if everything is happy, trying to chase a magical pH number may cause more harm than just leaving it on the low side. as I said, your pH is never a problem until you start testing it. make sure to read through the holmes-farley link posted above. good luck. :)

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Take off the glass lids. Make sure you have surface agitation or add a skimmer. With your alk close to 9 you problably just have C02 build up.

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Take off the glass lids. Make sure you have surface agitation or add a skimmer. With your alk close to 9 you problably just have C02 build up.



I have this problem and its because of high c02 in the house. The tank is in the living room and with two people, two dogs and two cats and a semi small room ='s im screwed.


I'm going to put a gallon in the basement and put a airstone in it and see what i get down there. My next tank will be in the best place in the house haha.


I was able to open my windows today and bam right up to 8.2.


Btw mine runs 7.7-7.9 durring the day when at work. 7.6 at night. On the weekends is can stay as low as 7.7 in the daytime :( I still get growth, but im sure if i could keep my ph in line i could have a much better tank.

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I'm going to put a gallon in the basement and put a airstone in it and see what i get down there


Excellent testing idea, but put the bucket *outside* for max CO2 respiration.


Then compare it one inside your house, but next to the tank.


This way you get three readings and tell you were the problem is.

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