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New 10g


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This is my office nano


10g tank

CSL 80watt PC fixture with built in moonlight

Light blue high density "polyboard" for bottom (bare bottom)

Aquaclear 300 with 50w tronic heater

8 lbs of rock


Live stock:

Some Polyps from my 20g. They were starting to grow out of control.



tiny colt frag

1 fire shrimp

1 emerald crab

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Originally posted by R*Frost*

is it me or is there 2x fire shrimp in there?


Only one, he molted right before my eyes, but all of the pics came out blurry. He molted pretty fast, and I was trying to get the pics off too quick. I never saw a shrimp molt before, it was pretty cool.

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Originally posted by Acoustic

Veyr nice. Bare bottom tanks remind me of fish store tanks. Where's the grease pen writing?


:D I figure eventually the bottom will be covered with coralline algae, I may even glue a frag or two to the board.

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Originally posted by dickie52

Come on.....how old is that tank?


Only about 3 weeks. All of the rock and coral came out of my 20g that has been up for over a year.

I needed to rid my 20g of the polyps which were quickly taking over.


Every week I siphon up the detritus that lays on the bottom of the tank while I am doing a water change.

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  • 9 months later...

Can someone please give me a little more info about the polyboard used and where I can get one? Still having problems with diatoms in sand even though I have used a skimmer for the last month and using RO/DI water for topoffs and recentlt switched to Tropic Marin salt instead of using Catalina Real Ocean water. Going bare bottom to relieve the headaches.

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If you want to go bare bottom in a small tank like a 10g, I wouldn't put down any board. Just put the rock right on top of the glass, but make sure it's stable, and won't fall over.

Zip tie your rock together if need be.

I say this because it is impossible to keep detritus from getting under the board, and decomposing. I upgraded my 20 and 10 into one 40g. When I broke this 10g down I found alot of detritus, bristle worms, and copepods under the board.

I did go bare bottom with a white cutting board to prtect th glass in the 40g, but I also had alot more flow to keep the detritus in suspension so it wouldn't get under the board.

Just another note.......going bare bottom may not get rid of your problem. I was amazed at how much detritus live rocks belch out. The next tank I set up, I am going to be sure to "cook" my live rock before use.


Not cook as in boil it, but place the rocks in a barrel with no light so the good bacteria can take over, and the algae bacteria can die. Thats kind of a crappy explanation, but it is the jist of it.



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  • 1 month later...

Real nice DAP, and this means alot coming from me. I've very super-critical when it comes to aquascaping. You've done a nice job.


Hope to get my nano project started next week.


- JT

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