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WOW< do fish have heart attacks?


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I was just walking by my tank and my orange firefish shot out of his hole and just died. Became lifeless and the water current was circling him around the tank. There has seemed nothing wrong with him. He ate this morning just fine and has been swimming fine. Tank parameters are all normal.


ammon, nitrates, nitrites, 0

temp 79.5

alk 9

ca 450

ph 8.3


I have two false percs, and they are fine. I have a tank full of SPS and clams, and all are open and are acting normal.


Very odd!!

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cheryl jordan
yes they have heart attacks sorry for your loss

Can you provide the basis for your belief that fish can have heart attacks.


Not being confrontational, or sarcastic. Have you done necropsys on marine fish?

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I was just walking by my tank and my orange firefish shot out of his hole and just died.


I pictured this and started cracking up. :-/


sorry about you loss though...

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I pictured this and started cracking up. :-/


sorry about you loss though...


It is kinda funny, and it was so true, I mean he literally shot out of his hole in the sand, and started doing smmersaults in the water as the current moved him. Maybe he shot out of the hole and hit one of the clams? I didnt think about that, Hmm I took him out immediately because i was afraid he would get moved to a part of my tank that I couldnt get him, but maybe he was just knocked out. HMM oh well, hes gone now

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:tears: That sucks. I find this very odd. Poisoning, maybe?

I wouldnt think so, my clowns are fine, and I always guage things by my sps since they are so particular, and they are doing great.

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I pictured this and started cracking up. :-/


sorry about you loss though...

OMG I feel like crap but that is exactly what happened to me. I'm sitting here lauging my ass of over someones dead fish.

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Can you provide the basis for your belief that fish can have heart attacks.


Not being confrontational, or sarcastic. Have you done necropsys on marine fish?


Well, they have hearts, and are not sufficiently physiologically different enough from other animals that are known to have heart attacks to assume that they cannot. If blood supply is restricted to the heart tissue, it will die. That's a heart attack. Pretty simple stuff, and it doesn't take a PhD in marine biology to see it.



Why on earth would you assume otherwise?

Edited by neanderthalman
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ive seen a clown fish do that before he dies. he went all nuts in the tank darting in every direction before becoming lifeless on the bottom.

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Yes, they can have heart attacks. I hope you gave him a lot of time to see if he was still alive though. I would have at least placed him in a container and let the container sit in the tank for 20-30 min.

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cheryl jordan
Well, they have hearts, and are not sufficiently physiologically different enough from other animals that are known to have heart attacks to assume that they cannot. If blood supply is restricted to the heart tissue, it will die. That's a heart attack. Pretty simple stuff, and it doesn't take a PhD in marine biology to see it.



Why on earth would you assume otherwise?


A simple question of science.


Yes they are suffciently physiologically different, gills, swimbladders....

I have done necropsys on alot of different marine animals, in a former job, and the differences can be amazing, take a octopus for example, eight arms is just the beginning.

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A simple question of science.


Yes they are suffciently physiologically different, gills, swimbladders....

I have done necropsys on alot of different marine animals, in a former job, and the differences can be amazing, take a octopus for example, eight arms is just the beginning.



....... and are not sufficiently physiologically different enough from other animals that are known to have heart attacks...........
Edited by nanoty
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I wont go as far to say it was definately a heart attack but as jumpy as fire fish are.. easily scared etc I would not say it was improbable either. The simple fact that YES they do have hearts (gutted many a fish never seen an actual fish that did not have one).


Are octopus fish? No. All fish are vertibrates. Octopus definately are not vertibrates so the analogy above is off topic from a fire fish..

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That kind of happend to my sixline. I came home from work and right when I looked at my tank, I saw my sixline shoot straight up to the top then float to the bottom. He was still alive, but barely. Upon further inspection, I noticed he had a large gash on his stomach...not sure if a crab got him or if he sliced himself on a rock or something.

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cheryl jordan
I wont go as far to say it was definately a heart attack but as jumpy as fire fish are.. easily scared etc I would not say it was improbable either. The simple fact that YES they do have hearts (gutted many a fish never seen an actual fish that did not have one).


Are octopus fish? No. All fish are vertibrates. Octopus definately are not vertibrates so the analogy above is off topic from a fire fish..


Thank you for the simple marine biology leisons.


I was referring to marine animals as a whole.


Just because a FISH has a HEART does not mean they are prone to MI's, they also have a simple brain maybe it had a CVA.


Boy some people are just looking to criticize.


It was a simple question about science nothing more.

Edited by cheryl jordan
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Thank you for the simple marine biology leisons.


I was referring to marine animals as a whole.


Just because a FISH has a HEART does not mean they are prone to MI's, they also have a simple brain maybe it had a CVA.


Boy some people are just looking for to criticize.


It was a simple question about science nothing more.

Of course there are differences in marine animals. Your reply was in direct response to NM's post about not being physiological different to other animals known to have heart attacks. Cephalopods don't even use hemoglobin in their circulatory system.

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I wasn't looking to criticise you, but all you did was post vs the possibility of a heart attack. There is a possibility it was maybe it a blood clot started in his tail that got him.. who knows..


I am not going to try and rebut previous posts..

"A simple question of science." you said earlier cheryl jordan ... and i agree totally...


Simply put its simple biology that if something has a heart that heart could fail thus a heart attack.. simple


IF this is incorrect post your proof. Link to your documents that it is false. Otherwise this is my opinion.. hearts fail..


To the OP:

Sorry for your loss of the fish I do enjoy my fire fish and if he would die I would likely get another once I was sure his demise was out of my control. (ie I provided the best enclosed environment I could for him/her)

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Actually that was probably interpretive dance.


I saw an H Tusk have a heart attack. Started doing somersaults then died a half hour later.
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