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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Headed to the hardware store


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Ok, I need some quick advice, because I'm running to the hardware store later today. I just bought a 20L and I'm going to make a canopy for it. I was leaning towards putting a 24" and 2 18" fluorescents in it because I can get the fixtures for under $5 each and just wire them myself. If I put some decent bulbs in it, do you think that will throw enough light? I'm on a really tight budget for this little project.

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Still new at this myself, but if there is one place where everyone will tell you to throw money at, it's the lights. From what I've read in my research over the past month, normal fluorescents just don't throw enought light for most corals. It really depends on what you want to keep though. If you are going fish only though, it should be fine. Possibly some soft corals like zoo's or shrooms.

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if youre just gona buy normal output fluroescents then it wont do a thing for you. You need 50/50 power compacts at the very least. With actinic supplementation.

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Ok, here goes. In order to pack enough flo tubes over a reef, you will have to have at least 4 if not 5 bulbs. I did this when I started...put 5 15watt 18"NO bulbs over a ten gallon. Still wasnt enough light. BTW, the bulbs cost around $20each...$100 in bulbs! $100 could have bought a halfway decent power compact hood by itself for a 10gallon. And the 96watt quad costs only $30-40 to replace...is brighter, and lasts longer. It's a no brainer & I learned the hard way...just get power compact at least. Heck, most people get stuck debating between compact and halide...normal output has no place in reefing anymore.

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