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Cultivated Reef

Funky Shroom or Ric??


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Picked up my Fiji LR yesterday from Jeff's Exotic. One of the rocks has about 7 or 8 of these things. The first pic is by far the largest, about the size of dime. Those in the second pic aren't as open and are about of a very small pea. The center is raised up and white. The body has a slight iridescent green color and the edges have a orange tinge.

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I was leaning more towards Ric's as well becuase of the bubble like texture. I hope some of them survive the cycle. They are pretty low in the tank and I'm going to do a 4-hour photo-period during the cycle.

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OMG a piece of LR with 8 Pink Yumas!!!!! that'd be a story. they're probably a more common ric but they're rics for sure. keep us updated as they start to show their true colors.

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Thanks again for all the responses. So far they appear to be doing well. Haven't seen much change in the color so far on any of them but the large one has probaby increased a bout 30% in size in the last week. He really stretches out while the lights are on.


Anyone have any idea on how long it will take until the color starts returning to "normal"?

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Definately look like Yumas.

Can't say exactly how long it'll take , but don't try to feed them untill they gain their color back, and sort of go easy on them. I had another couple of large ones that were "rescues" from the LFS, they were -very- bleached and the stress of bringing them home pretty much nuked them.

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Yumas: I had one that was bleached out like that. Took a few months to color up & ended up being a dark red with green rim. Pistol shrimp grabbed it to brace up his den & was never seen again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't have one currently. There's about 5 that survived the cycle. The largest one is starting to get some color on it now.


I'll try and take a picture later today once the lights have been on for a while of the whole rock (Need to move back to it's correct position, I think my hermit crabs moved it during their last round of Ultimate Fighting Championship.)

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