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Guest LudavicoTechnique

Apparently, as I snooped around my basement, I have an RO unit attatched directly to the water flow coming into my house. Thats why my water qualilty coming right out of the tap is totally reef-worthy. Dont use your tapwater unless you have one too... Apologies Nishant .

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hahahaha...i knew no city would be good enough to provide RO like water to the whole city. That'd be like $10,000 a membrane that would last a month.

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

Well, it is a city, do you have any idea how much tax money a city of 800,000 collects in a month? They could easily afford 10k a month on a membrane, but then again they are politicians, and then again, why would they?

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

On to me? No! You've discovered my secret identity! I'm a representative at Petsmart doing field research to maximize profits! Wtf are you talking about Dave? Have you ever made sense? Who is on to me? On to what? What were you on when you made that post?

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

I think a lot of people on this forum are confusing FIGHTING with ARGUEING. Everything that has happened is the latter.

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Ok here is what you asked for


The lighting Issue if you would like to keep SPS or Clams then you need some Hella light. More then even 2 * 36 watt PC lamps. You need more like a 150 watt MH. Basicly the more the better when it comes to Clams or SPS. (so their Color is the best and they grow instead of survive)


Next. Water issue. Dont listen to anyone that says tap water is good enough. Water must be filtered by an RO. I Tried that once be4 on a reef and I was Cyanno Plagued so dont make that mistake.


I know you are a reef keeper so im not going to tell you to read and learn everything about reef keeping since you already know how to keep a reef. One thing I will say is that a nano isnt as forgiving as a large tank. A Nano needs its water changed every week and sometimes even more frequently depending on situations that come up.


As for additives. DONT Waste your money. I add 2 supplements they are both Kent marine they are Concentrated Liquid calcium and Kent DKH buffer. Water changes replace strongium, idione, Ect. Pytoplankton can turn a tank green. B-ionic works well too its a two part form that buffers calcium and Alk.


The rest is up to you. I know you are a reef keeper so you know whats important to keep your animals alive so.....

Happy Reefing


A deep sand bed isnt as important as people make it out to be. Its almost strictly for looks if you like it put it. if you dont then it makes it easier to clean the bottom with a siphon!


Here is a Picture of my reef so you can see if you want to model after something like it or not





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THANKS for bringing us back to the subject! This is exactly the kind of advice I am looking for. I know how to do a reef, but wanted nano-specific exceptions, idiosyncrasies, etc.. and that's what you gave me. I am definitely putting some power lighting in... hope to make a decision today between PC's and MH.


Thanks, and nice tank!



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