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Noob water question.


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So I've had a QT up and running for the past two weeks. So far I have not introduced any fish to the QT OR Bacteria.. I had an issue with the water being cloudy- which I think was leaching out of the clay pot in there, so I added charcoal and filter floss... seemed to have cut down on the cloudiness of the water.


There seems to be a nasty clear film on some of the stuff in there, and when I removed a power head from the tank that I use to mix my WC buckets with, it was covered in a rank smelling yellow ooze...? I have not introduced any bacteria into the system yet, the filters are still in the rear chambers of my BC29.


Everything seems to be okay, pH is a little high, 8.4, and ammonia is zero...


Any idea what the yellow film and odor are from?


Any ideas?



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Was the claypot every used for anything else? How about just some live rock in the QT rather than a clay pot?


Clay pot was bought new and rinsed several times.


And depending on the school of thought, some folks don't suggest putting LR in the QT because it can cause issues with medicating (so I've heard). To introduce the bacteria, I have the HOB filter insert in my fuge, and a sponge filter in there with it for extra circulation. So, when the time comes that a fish needs to go in, he'll have plenty of bacteria in there with 'em.

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Rather than porous clay pots I prefer PVC pipe fittings like 2" elbows or tees so they can swim in and out and the PVC can be rinsed and reused since it will not absorb any medications. The clay pot should be thrown away after each use since it is porous.

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Rather than porous clay pots I prefer PVC pipe fittings like 2" elbows or tees so they can swim in and out and the PVC can be rinsed and reused since it will not absorb any medications. The clay pot should be thrown away after each use since it is porous.


Aha! Brilliant! I wish I had registered that earlier. Clay pots are out- PVC will replace it. I do have a nice PVC Stone Henge for the little guys though ;)


Is it possible that I accidentally laced my tank with bacteria by placing my Ammonia Alert Badge from my DT to my QT without drying it out? I'm trying to figure out where this yellow slime is coming from.

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When I store premixed saltwater in a bucket it gets rank smelling and slimy after a week or so. i would introduce some bacteria to get the cycle started. I use a filter sponge I keep in my display tanks sump for just that purpose.

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Err it is in my Quarantine Tank, a 10 gal glass tank. It is being circulated.


I know that uncirculated water can get rank/stale when there isn't a high level of dissolved oxygen- but I've got my water circulating fairly well, that shouldn't be an effect. I'll throw in my sponge from my fuge and see what happens.

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