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Cloudy Water in Established Tank


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Hey all,


I have a 4 Gal Finnex aquarium, which I set up about a year and a half ago. The current inhabitants are a Clownfish and a plate coral, as well as 5 hermits and 3 turbo snails.


When I left home today, all was well, but upon returning an hour later, the entire tank is cloudy, almost as though it is 'foggy' inside.


The most recent feeding was about 4 days ago, and all the inhabitants of the tank seem to be accounted for. With the exception of the plate coral, who is all receded at the moment, everyone is acting normally.


Both nitrates and nitrites are reading 0.


I have immediately changed 30% of the water, and added a carbon insert I had laying around. The water change has reduced the cloudiness, but not completely.


Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?




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cheryl jordan

Maybe your turbo snails spawned and in that sm. volume of water it was too concentrated. Plate corals can spawn as well, though not as common as turbo snail spawns.

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Maybe your turbo snails spawned and in that sm. volume of water it was too concentrated. Plate corals can spawn as well, though not as common as turbo snail spawns.


That's a very good point, and would explain why the plate was so receded when I came back. As well, The last Full moon was 2 nights ago, which adds even more credence to your theory. Very interesting- I believe this is he first time he has done that in the 6 years I have owned him!


The tank hasn't gotten any cloudier over the last hour, and nitrate/nitrate levels are steady at 0. All inhabitants seem to be fine.


Is there anything I should do while this is clearing up?




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cheryl jordan
That's a very good point, and would explain why the plate was so receded when I came back. As well, The last Full moon was 2 nights ago, which adds even more credence to your theory. Very interesting- I believe this is he first time he has done that in the 6 years I have owned him!


The tank hasn't gotten any cloudier over the last hour, and nitrate/nitrate levels are steady at 0. All inhabitants seem to be fine.


Is there anything I should do while this is clearing up?




Just keeping checking the parameters and do a larger W/C if needed. It should clear and the fish and inverts will enjoy the extra snack. Good luck.

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Just keeping checking the parameters and do a larger W/C if needed. It should clear and the fish and inverts will enjoy the extra snack. Good luck.


Just got home, and the tank is all clear.


Thanks so much!


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