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I fragged three different cotrals and documented it on my website. I will be doing many different corals over the next few weeks/months and documenting them as well, as it seems to be a common subject of conversation here.




Are there any corals in particular you would like to see done?

See ya,


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wow, i already learned something. I never though about drilling a hole in the rock to put the frag in. Maybe that way it can form its disk easier. :)

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Mr. Spam,

Heres the deal on the pop up

It's not a pop up it's a sit behind, only one page if you dont close it it just sits there behind the page you are viewing, never pop's up again till you close out then you see it. or may I suggest Pop-up stopper it's a 1 meg d-load at d-loads.com.


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I just had a look at the coral prop. page.

It sure is helpful. The various photos showing the setup and tool and especially useful.


Here's a list of coral prop I'd like to see;


1. CandyCane Corals

2. Mushrooms

3. Frogspawn


And I doubt this is possible; but is it possible to frag bubble corals?

I bought a decent sized bubble coral recently and already it has grown alot.

I'd like to frag it if possible. But due to its physiology I doubt its possible.


I think that covers a good range/types of coral prop. Acros are possibly easiest?


Well, thanks for the page anyway, its very useful. I am sure it will be helpful to a lot of people.

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