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Porcelain Crab Molted

Mr. Microscope

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Mr. Microscope

I found the entire exoskeleton of my porcelain crab in my tank this morning. It kinda freaked me out at first. I thought that it was dead, but quickly realized that it was likely a molt.

...or at least I'm pretty sure it was a molt. I couldn't tell for sure, but I thought I saw a purple antenna sticking out from behind one of my rocks in a place where he usually hides.

What confused me is that the molt even included his little feeder fans. It that right? Do they molt those too?


Is there any other information I should know about porcelain crab molting? I'm guessing that it is a good sign and that she is happy and growing. I supplemented some additional Calcium to the tank today for her.


By the way, why do we still call these things crabs? After seeing the molt while removing it, it is clearly a lobster. It even has a little lobster tail.



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  • 2 years later...

You probably found the answer by now, but since I just searched, I thought I'd add most suggest that it was a molt and that leaving it in or taking it out is ok. I got weirded out finding the whole shell with feeder fans sans meat in the back of my tank. I hope to see her soon, but she's so good at hiding.

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