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Apoptosis' LED PICO!


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Did ~25% WC.


Still trying to get the light perfectly dialed in. I think i have the RB at about 60% and the CW at 40%.


Monti digi is still showing regeneration/growth. Makes me happy.

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Pulled the trigger on the upgrade to the 5.5 AGA. I should be able to house a baby tang right? :rolleyes:

The tank is on order at the LFS, as its not a normally stocked item. No major changes. Dosing 2-part to keep Calcium and Alk in check. Topoff 2X daily sucks, I need an ATO. Badly.

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I like the little blue acro.


The 5.5 should be nice. You can get a goby in that eh?


Yeah, I am excited! I get just as much out of setting up and planning as I do watching growout and just looking at the tank.


I have been debating on what fish to add to the tank when it is upgraded. Goby might be nice, also might add a damsel. I like a lot of damsels, but we all know they don't play nice with others so a smaller tank would be perfect.


Stocking options:

Blackmouth Bicolor chromis

Rolland's Damselfish

Yellow clown goby

Domino damsel

Jewel damsel


Undecided on shrimp species... no rush here. Sexy perhaps?

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Stopped in at the LFS for my weekly ration of RODI. I couldn't pass up a couple nano sized frags. I grabbed a green Ricordea and some other shroom. Will take pics later (its lights out ATM)

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My first Ricordea

I am hoping the lighting isn't too intense. I'll have to keep a close watch for signs of stress.



Here's the other frag I picked up this week. Its a small rock with a larger mushroom and a teeny one on the top of the rock.








I also noticed a small crab today hanging out in the Pocillapora. I suspect it hitched a ride into the tank on the Acro. Looked for an ID, my best guess is an acro crab. If I can ever get a good pic of him I'll post it.

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Upgraded to the 5.5! Pics once I figure out placement of everything. I already love it so much better!


Cleaning the glass > cleaning acrylic

Space for aquascaping > 2.5 is not a lot of space

Larger volume > 2.5 is not a lot of gallons


Maybe I won't have to dose as much 2 part with a larger volume. I'm hoping. Also thinking of switching from IO to Oceanic salt.


Also debating making a lid or leaving it open topped. The light is on some homemade legs so it is up above the tank.


Thats it for now...

I'll get some pics up for whoever is following.

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This guy is pissed, I had to move him.



Polyps are peeking out. He doesn't like being moved very much either...



FTS 4-3-10


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Tank looks great! Gives me encouragement for my 3gal(sold a 14bc to focus on the 3 lol).


Do you have any heat issues with the LEDs so far?


+1 for Sexy Shrimp! I added 3 to mine yesturday and the added life to the tank seems nice. I don't know how much space you have on your 5.5 but I have added a extra HOB filter thats clear (made by Azoo) to act as a refugium. The chaeto's only light source is spillover from the PC bulb lighting the tank. I went with the Azoo because it has a lower GPH so the water can process through the algae more efficiently.

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Oceanic -- thats what I use.


Ya, I'll be moving to Oceanic shortly. Problem is that I have about 1/5 of a bucket left of IO. So a few weeks at minimum until I can justify buying a new bucket.

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Tank looks great! Gives me encouragement for my 3gal(sold a 14bc to focus on the 3 lol).


Do you have any heat issues with the LEDs so far?


+1 for Sexy Shrimp! I added 3 to mine yesturday and the added life to the tank seems nice. I don't know how much space you have on your 5.5 but I have added a extra HOB filter thats clear (made by Azoo) to act as a refugium. The chaeto's only light source is spillover from the PC bulb lighting the tank. I went with the Azoo because it has a lower GPH so the water can process through the algae more efficiently.


Thanks Garvin! I still haven't added any shrimp or fish. Soon, I keep telling myself, I just don't ever see "the one" I want for the tank.


No heat issues whatsoever. I installed 2 small fans to draw air over the heatsink. Check out my LED build thread. It is cool to the touch. The only downside is hearing the fans and the airflow causes a bit more evaporation. Evap = more top off :( Time to build an ATO I guess.....


I had considered making a fuge mod on a HOB filter, but have a hard time justifying the work. I do perform weekly waterchanges (33%) so I haven't seen any evidence of excess nutrients yet (knocks on wood!).

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Oceanic -- thats what I use.


How long have you been using it? Do you find you have to dose/add supplements as much? I figure that I can buy cheap salt and use a lot of 2 part to keep things stable. Or buy a better salt and use less 2 part. Either way it should even out, but I don't want to have to dose as often as I do at the moment.

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What LFS do you hit for ro/di? Always willing to check out a new shop and I assume you aren't making the drive to midwest coral just to pick up water (or are you?)

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What LFS do you hit for ro/di? Always willing to check out a new shop and I assume you aren't making the drive to midwest coral just to pick up water (or are you?)


LOL I do drive out to see them about every other week. I have 2 of the 5gal jugs and get them filled and usually buy a frag or two while I'm there. I would like to go more often but then the bills wouldn't get paid... It would be nice to get it closer, oh well. I have a Mighty Mite on the wishlist.


Where do you go for RO?

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Lol, I make it at home. God forbid I had another excuse for going there...


To be honest, I check out most of the LFS's in the area ~20 miles or so. MCF is the one I prefer to go to though.

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Switched picture for the FTS. Nothing new to report. I wish I saw the Acro crab more, he is a good hider. The large birdsnest fell to the sandbed and now the tips that were buried don't look so great. No polyps at all. I'll give it some time and watch it.


Nothing else is really happening. Doing weekly W/C and dosing 2 part to keep Calcium and Alk in check.


Oh, and POST 600!!!!! YAY!

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I wish I saw the Acro crab more, he is a good hider.


Grab a red flashlight and watch your tank an hour or two after lights out. When I ran a larger system, the acro crabs would free swim at night between mother colonies.


You must have inspired me since I went out and upgraded my 3g to a 5.5g!

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Grab a red flashlight and watch your tank an hour or two after lights out. When I ran a larger system, the acro crabs would free swim at night between mother colonies.


You must have inspired me since I went out and upgraded my 3g to a 5.5g!


Awesome! I'll give that a try. :)


Good luck on the upgrade. I am so happy that I upgraded sooner than later. Sooo much more space. I wish I didn't suck so bad at aquascaping. I think I'm going to take everything out and start from scratch with just rock for a couple days. (I'll transfer all the corals to the larger tank).

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+1 for space, especially considering in the 3g I decided I wanted a frag of my M. Digitata... or atleast the palm of my hand did as I was cleaning the acrylic!


Have you decided on any fishes yet? It doesn't look like your keeping any LPS so maybe one of the tiny dwarf angels like a Atlantic/Pacific or Flameback?


How do you like the lighting your LEDs are giving off now? I'm really interested in upgrading from my PC light to LED however UVL is releasing 12"and 18" T5 HO bulbs now.

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+1 for space, especially considering in the 3g I decided I wanted a frag of my M. Digitata... or atleast the palm of my hand did as I was cleaning the acrylic!


Have you decided on any fishes yet? It doesn't look like your keeping any LPS so maybe one of the tiny dwarf angels like a Atlantic/Pacific or Flameback?


How do you like the lighting your LEDs are giving off now? I'm really interested in upgrading from my PC light to LED however UVL is releasing 12"and 18" T5 HO bulbs now.


I know what you mean about unintentional fragging! The healing Digi is close to the glass and everytime I use the Mag-float I bump it. :(


Doh! I updated my first post. I got a yellow-back chromis last week. I hardly see him at all. He has a nice cave in the back of the large rock and he hangs out there most of the time. I'm sure I'll see him more as time goes on.


I like the LED's a lot! I am running them at about 50% intensity and may raise them up to ~60% in the next couple weeks. The Royal Blue LED helps make the colors pop like nothing else! Being sensible about the intensity is the main concern with LED's. It seems like a lot of folks run theirs at 100% and complain about bleaching SPS and melting softies. Why wouldn't it do that? These things give off a lot of light.


I am in the process of building a light for the large tank as well (as funds allow). I like the T5HO as well. Its tried-and-true. Its capabilities are well known and documented. The LED's are still new so I guess we are all taking a chance.


So far I have had great growth on all but one SPS piece and the softies just seem to lay there and take it. The browned out birdsnest is turning green/yellow on its body and the polyps are turning purple. I'll try to capture it in my next update.

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  • 4 months later...

so for your 5.5, you've got 3x1w royal blues @ 60% intensity

and 2x1w cool white @ 60% intensity


and that is working well for you?


I'm curious b/c I'm running a 3g w/ 2x1w cool white @ 100%, it really illuminates about 1/2 the tank, which is okay with me as I can put light-hungry stuff in that half of the tank


I am adding a 6w NO t5 10,000K tube to get a little more even coloration


but I'm debating between adding some royal blue LEDs on the same driver as the other LEDs or maybe just adding a 9w actinic PC.


Your thoughts are welcome

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