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Coral Vue Hydros

Anyone know is Pistol Shrimps can do multile strikes?

English Joe

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I'm trying to track down a hitchhiker.


I get a lot of individual "clicks" or whatever you want to call them. Quite loud. Occassionally a double click. Tonight I got a double click, then a couple of mins later three in succession then a couple of mins later a double click followed bya sort of immediatte echo (like something giving way), then no more cliks for the last hour. All quite loud, you could hear them from another room.

The LR is from Fiji (supposedly).I have Hermits and Turbos in there and 3 Green Chromis, the fish were all present today, but no idea about the critters.


Do I really have to take my tank apart and look for a Mantis Shrimp, or is it possible this is Pistol Shrimp?

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It could be either.....it's hard top say w/o actually seeing it. Are you saying you can't find ANY of your critters? If you've got critters dissapearing it could very easily be a mantis.



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well i have a pistol and they have a few characteristics to look out for:

they dig holes in the sand, especially under rocks (so watch for small sandstorms)

they will actually come out for food, and reveal their entire body

they can't rapid-fire "click" but they can do it repeatedly. if you hear two clicks very fast, it's probably not a pistol.

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Could be just a hitchhiker crab. I had one in a 20gal a couple years ago. Whenever a fish or snail would come near the hole it hid in it would make clicking sounds. I ended up taking the rock it hid in and placing it in a refugium I made out of a critter keeper.

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I have had a pistol shrimp for about a year now who has bonded with my yellow watchman goby. I think the fastest it can click is maybe two per second. I have read that mantis shrimp sound more like a machine gun when they are attacking their prey. The pistol is just firing off a warning shot that can do no harm. It just scares its pursuer away with the sound. You can usually see a burrow under one of your rocks where it lives. It is easy to see in my tank since its protected by my watchman. A pistol is a cool shrimp and will do no harm that I know of in a reef tank. If you start to notice that your hermits are disappearing gradually, you might have a mantis. :(

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