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what should i do


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wow! what a great advice!

ill be sure to use it, and i plan on taking back my flame angel tomorrow

and i believe ill be picking up some diff types of snails.


i feed one cube of frozen brine daily

i have a nano cube 28g protine skimmer (i know its cheap)

and ill be sure to look for that r/o water!


thank you so much fro your help and contribution to the knowledge of my tank!

ill be sure to keep you posted

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okay so today i brought back my flame angel and some guy bought it right off my hands!

i also picked up 7 nerite snails and one blue legged hermit!


that leaves me at a total of


5 turbos

7 nerite

3 red legged hermit

1 blue legged hermit

1 cleaner shrimp


as my clean up crew

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