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Total cost for a beginners 10 gallon


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Mebe just do it over time, buy the tank, the jet, water, and the DSB. Let that run for a week or so then add the LR and lights. Then if you desire add the HOB and crew lastly this way you split the initial costs up over a couple of paychex. But unfortunatley as experience and past posts show, always allow for a considerable amount more money than what you are expecting...

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I think Ive only spent $100 bucks on mine, but I have yet to get any livestock or corals.


Tank: $10

PH: $20

LR/LS: $30

Lighting: $20

Salt: $15

Hydrometer: $10

DIY: Priceless


(although I DID have my test kits already, but they arent really needed till after the cycle.)

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Originally posted by digz

I think Ive only spent $100 bucks on mine, but I have yet to get any livestock or corals.


Tank: $10

PH: $20

LR/LS: $30

Lighting: $20

Salt: $15

Hydrometer: $10

DIY: Priceless


(although I DID have my test kits already, but they arent really needed till after the cycle.)


got any pics of this?




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You might want to check your local papers for used equipment and livestock. If you are good with DIY stuff you will save alot of money.


The bad thing with nano's is that they almost cost the same on setup as larger tanks.


If you arn't in a huge hurry you can save some money on rock if you make your own. Check out GARF if you don't know anything about DIY rock.

If you go bare bottom that will save a little money.

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If you aren't willing to spend the money then you might want to reconsider. :)


SW tanks are an expensive deal to do right. Saving money is great, but if you try to save too much you comprimise the environment.


Do it right! Be cheap...but not TOO cheap!

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Best way IMO is to just go slow. Get it setup and chip away at it. Ordering from multiple sources may appear cheaper, but the shipping could kill any savings. It's may be better to find a place with a better overall price for your whole order.


If money is an issue (and it usually is) just buy the equipment in installments. Get the tank heater and pump one month, the lights the next and the LR later. Sure it will take some time, but it is worth it.


Ask your LFS about any aquarium clubs in the area. If there is an aquarium club in your area you may want to check it out. By developing contacts with other reefers in your area you may be able to barter for some frags etc. Some peeps may even be willing to pass some on to you for free.


Making your own LR takes awhile and it isn't that much of a saveings over buying it. The aragonite and concrete aren't free. You also have to wait quite awhile before you see much more than algae growing on it. Also you have to leach it for quite awhile or it will totally kill your pH. For those that do make their own my best suggestion would be to put the small pieces into the tank on the back of your toilet. This flushes all the leached materials away every time you flush and it keeps it out of sight. A month or so should be about right. Just don't fill the tank up so much that you don't get enough water to flush the toilet properly.

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We bought a 10 Gallon tank, $10; EboJager 75Watt heater, $31; Glass top, $10; thermometer, $2; Reef Crystals Salt, $20; and Test kit, $37. We ordered a Coralife Aqualight online, 20" 96Watt, for $100. We got 15 lbs live rock out of our 55G FOWLR, which is now cycling the tank. We also cannibalized a MaxiJet 400 from that tank. We still had some unused aragonite substrate, so we didn't have to buy that. So all in all (unless I missed something) we potentially have a tank ready for livestock for around $200. Now the hard part, waiting for cycle

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I've spent about $300 so far upgrading my 5.5 gallon to a 10g, but this isn't for a minimal set-up. It's got a Mag 5 on a closed loop(inlet and returns drilled) with a SCWD and also T'd off to a 3 gallon fuge that sits above the tank(gravity feed back to the tank through another bulkhead return). It's going to be lit with a 70w MH and 36w PC actinic. All I have left to buy is some more sand/rock.

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I set up my 7G minibow recently, and I've spent just shy of $500 on it to date.





At least I have lots of nice live rock.. i sure can't afford any corals.. I'm going to be enjoying pods and little grey worms for a looonnngg time i think..

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I am still on planing stage of my 10 gallon.

So far... my shoping list shows cost range of $450~$600 depending on the options.

Stand, skimmer, fish and coral is not on the list. Just setting cost.

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