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Snails in Refugium?


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Do you owners of refugiums keep snails in it? I was just wondering. I have quite a bit of green hair algae growing in mine, and was thinking of putting my Turbo snail in there for awhile to get rid of it. Good idea or not??





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  • 3 weeks later...

i have one snail, cause i figured he'd enjoy the snacking. and he does. it's kinda fun playing "which compartment will the snail be in today?" as well.

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i have 2 hermits and bunch of somatella snails which i added becouse the sides of the fuge became really nastyt and some small patchs of cyno were growing the snails and hermits cleaned it up after a few weeks

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Originally posted by Blownpony

I have a ac 500 fuge and my snails go into it all the time. Not real sure how they do it but they do.


they probably crawl up into the overflow...

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