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All Glory to the Hypnotoad's Pico!


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Well this size of a tank you shouldn't need to much of a CUC. Wait until the tank has completely cycled and you should be fine to add a few snails or hermits. No rush though, honestly the longer you let the tank sit the more stable things will be.

I usually start adding a few snails when I get a diatom bloom and ammonia and nitrites are at zero.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I haven't been too active on this thread recently, but I can't say the same about my tank. :) I added a turbo snail and two very tiny blue legged hermits a little over a week ago. They're all circled in this picture along with what I believe is a sponge that seems to have grown since I set up the tank.



A couple aiptasia kept coming back after I tried the boiling water injection on them (it worked great on all the others by the way). I had been thinking about getting a shrimp anyway so I went out and bought a peppermint shrimp yesterday. Aiptasia now gone. Shrimp looked like it was on crack getting at those things five minutes after I dropped him in. I know people have had some problems with peppermint shrimp, but I have decided that I like him and will try to deal with any future personality quirks with an open mind. This is him in his now usual dancing location.



My water parameters have been pretty stable, with just a tiny fluctuation of nitrates this past week (water change today). Any rule of thumb for when I can/should add my first corral? It will most likely be some form of mushroom. Oh, and newbie question: where should/would you place it? This is my most recent FTS shot by the way, diatoms have receded a bit and lots of pods on the glass which I really should scrape off the front.


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When your done cycling you can add corals.Mushrooms can be placed most anywhere.They like low flow and don't need much light. I would place them in the lower part of your tank. If they don't open all the way move it around over the course of a couple of days until you find its happy place.

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  • 1 month later...
Tank is looking good.

You have some gnarly looking rocks in there!

Thanks, the lfs I got it from had a huge selection so I got to pick out pieces I thought looked cool.


Sorry about the lack of updates guys, I've had a bit of an algae problem lately and I'm having trouble bringing myself to post pictures of my tank until it dies down a bit. I recently changed my water source and have been diligently doing water changes, so hopefully it's on its last leg.


Besides the algae things seem to be faring well. I added another couple pieces of rock a while ago to fill the tank up a bit more, and after i was sure no real cycle was happening due to the new rock I added a very small green ric. Stay alive my first coral! Hermits and peppermint shrimp are doing well. One of the hermits got a fancy new shell and the other immediately picked up the recently abandoned one. Thought it was pretty funny. I love that peppermint shrimp. 'Tries cleaning under my fingernails anytime my hand enters the tank.


I'm keeping an eye out for any good deals on lighting that I see. Any suggestions on a good light for my tank to hold out for?

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I used the nove extreme 18 inch t5 on my 5.5 and have seen a lot of new growth on my zoes . It was 61$ from the doctors


How long is your tank? Mine is only 16". Think it would work? Still looking for more options. Second opinion?

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first off i love your avatar. that was one of my favorite shows ever and i'm pumped its coming back in june.


the tank looks sweet, the scape is well done. i think that an 18" light would be perfect for your tank. nova extremes are really nice set ups. i would strongly considered checking out nanotuners though. they have a lot of lighting options for smaller tanks. the leds they have are awesome and over the long run are way less expensive than any other light your going to get since they last for thousands of hours.

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I think an 18" Nova would be great over this tank, esp. if upgraded the bulbs with the up and coming selection from nanotuners.

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really how you upgrade the lights should depend on what you are going to stock the tank with down the road. now you just have some low light corals but you may want to do sps down the road so imo it's best to upgrade your lights to what you might want later on. that way you won't have to upgrade again and spend that more money. i'm saving up for an led more because they have a longer shelf life than t5s and mh. you don't have to worry about led's for years as opposed to months.

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