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I think I have a serious problem.


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My husband is going to kill me. Thank goodness he's gone till Sun. I'm addicted. Really. I need a meeting to got to. Do they have RA meetings?


They were such a great deal I couldn't pass them up. Really. I would have regreted it. Do you think I could hide them from him? Guess not. Two forty gallon tanks would be hard to hide. *sigh*


I'd post a picture of them but I can't figure out how to do it.

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hahaha....we need an addiction support group. if u get a 40g tank, next thing u know you'll be getting MH's, then SPS, then rare SPS.


Here's a quote from fellow adicts:

Originally posted by SawCJack00

I can quit anytime... I just don't want to.  I only get SPS on the weekends, it's not like I do it every day, unless I'm ordereing online... but I don't really need them.  It's not like it's affecting my work or anything, ooops, here comes my boss, time to switch applications...


Ok she's gone now, what was I saying, oh yeah, so, no problem here.:D


im suure a 40g will be fine if it's cheap.

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One's a Seaclear and one's a Clear for Life. 48"x12"x16", with single NO 40 watt bulbs in black plastic hoods, and drilled with bulkheads. Grand total $21.65.

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LOL!! too funny Reefer53! Does your husband like the tanks you currently have now lizbeth? Maybe you could persuade him somehow to let you keep the fortys... ;)

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how great of a deal are you talking about? i would love to go too..hahha..i guess i'm a addict also...


anyhow, like we were saying..


*Black Coral Inc:

2941 W Central Ave # A

Santa Ana, CA

(714) 754-6368


when you go ..just tell them i refer you and give them my membership number..and you will get a one day guest pass or something like that..

my number is either 1307 or 12046..hehehe

direction: 405 S - exit Fairview - make a left - left on central ave. (small street before Warner, if you pass warner, you've gone too far) - go to the end..its the first office at the end on your 1'o clock position. (blue building, ahhh!! they are all blue there...hahhah)


*Tong's Tropical fish:

8976 Warner Ave

Fountain Valley, CA

(714) 842-2733


They have a large selection of corals and fish. comming from Lakewood..405 S-exit Magnolia, take the first exit..make a right on magnolia, once you pass the first light (Warner) the plaza on your right hand side.

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how is the condition/? can i buy one from you..so your hubby won't get that mad? hehehe...i need a new tank..as you can see from last night..the acrylic is all scratched up...

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A LFS that has very high prices is having a "sale". They had these two tanks sitting out in front with $10 marked on them. I bought the tanks and nothing else. :D


Hubby likes the current tanks ok but it is an expensive hobby and money is a bit tight right now. And no I don't have a place to put them....... but they'll make great prop tanks. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by anthony812

how is the condition/?  can i buy one from you..so your hubby won't get that mad?  hehehe...i need a new tank..as you can see from last night..the acrylic is all scratched up...


These are more scratched up than your's. They were used in a fish store for several years. I don't know if I want to sell one yet, heck I didn't even know I was going to get them!

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

I'll take one of your hand to relieve the pressure! Wow what a deal. You could set up one as a freshwater or use one as a sump. I hope your husband is an understanding man... those are big tanks.


Good Luck Liz

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you can daisy chain them together with some clear tubing, like they do those hamster cages! you can create a reef city! (pauses to take a hit off the skimmer/bong)


it'll be so cool with all the different colors! yeah, colors! (thunk!)

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Geez Lizbeth, wish I had been so lucky. I'll be looking for a 40-60 gallon after the move, I want a bigger reef already, I'm not addicted or obsessed honey, really!

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

I have an emply 180-gallon lying around for when I get rich enough to afford the rest of the equipment. I could stop if I wanted to...



at this point, Ludavico runs into his room and kisses his reef, whispering his apologies

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Originally posted by lizbeth

One's a Seaclear and one's a Clear for Life. 48"x12"x16", with single NO 40 watt bulbs in black plastic hoods, and drilled with bulkheads. Grand total $21.65.


Hehe, without a RO/DI unit, filling them with RO water is going to cost as much as the tanks themself. Then there's that whole lighting thing . I just got my lighting straightened out with an order to AH Supply (2x55 PC setup) and it's been the single most expensive purchase yet.


At one time I thought I could get away with DIY and slowing building up a system to save on the cost, now I know better. =)

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Too good of a deal to pass it by. Here's how bad I have become. I actually suggested we spend the day tomorrow with my monster, um, mother in law, because there is a great store near her that always has nice frags and throws in shrooms that haven't attached to anything.

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ladyamanda, I don't think they are good enough to use as display tank (I may have to fill one up out in the yard to see) but they will make great frag tanks or sumps.


jburke30, I have the AH Supply 2x55 on my twenty, so far I really like it. I was hoping to win the raffle to get the Ro unit. *sigh*


Crakeur, it must be a really great store. :)


tinyreef & NanoReefer53, A bong? I remember what that is.....I think I remember. ;)

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yes lizbeth, remeber back in your long hair colorful flower children days and the bong will be a bright memory to you. lol, i'm jp :P

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if you don't want to make them into reefs, you could always do a big chiclid tank and have firemouths, jack dempseys, and convicts. or do african chiclids! you can put a feeder goldfish in the tank and watch them hunt it down like a pack of wolves! or you could make a really cool dwarf chiclid tank and have apistogramma and west african species (kribs::pelviochromis species). o what i would do with 2 40 gallon tanks. sigh..........

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Hi Lizbeth,


Remember, it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, that's my motto.


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Originally posted by tashayar

Hi Lizbeth,


Remember, it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, that's my motto.  



I like your idea!


In reality he won't care. I do whatever I want to do. I'm so practical he knows I won't get to crazy.

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Originally posted by tashayar

Hi Lizbeth,


Remember, it's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, that's my motto.  



LOL! I say that all the time! I also use "If you're not cheating, you're not trying.." but that's another story... :D

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Ease up on the aqurium related purchases...I am skint becuase of it. :P


What are you going to do with the two tanks?

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Your "bargain" tanks remind me of my "free" dog. Yes, the one with the $200 vet bill! jburke30 is right about the tanks being cheaper than the water it takes to fill them, but I disagree the point of not being able to build up slowly. Since you are already enjoying your other tank you don't have to rush to set up the new ones. Scratched tanks would seem a natural for a frag growing type of tank. Other than the lighting and a few powerheads to move the water you don't need much more to start a friggin frag factory (say that 5 times fast). You might not get rich growing corals but it is possible to get to the point where your frags cover your regular expenses.

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