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gunbeau's 2.5 Pico Maybe contest tank


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Thanks Just set it up about 3 minutes before the shot. about 3 lbs cured live rock from my big tank. Some extra live sand I had was live at one time with some live sand from my big tank for seed.. Hopefully it will be clear in the morning.

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Tank looks good --- Pico Aquariums did a great job.


If all you have is a float switch you will need some type of ATO controller (JBJ, RKL etc.. ) and an aqualifter pump. Tonight I just hooked up my JBJ ATO on Hawke's Pico Lamp and used an aqualifter pump. The Aqualifter is a perfect match for a pico/nano sized ATO system. I am very pleased I went this route.

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Here is a 24 hour FTS...Cleared up good without anything in the back chamber. Have a foam pad from a AC20 going to cut to size and see how it work. Don't plan on doing any test until Monday let things settle out, I found a hitch hiker this morning when I came in. One of those little white star fish ( 3 leg ) from my large tank where I got the rock from. I really like this tank Might order a larger one. I used to have a BC29, this is just as good only difference I have to add a light but most people change the lighting on the BC tanks anyway


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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone at the office was asking "Where's the fish"... I am still waiting on the cycle to finish... So yesterday when I was visiting my LFS I picked up 3 of the smallest blue leg hermits I have ever seen and took a snail out of my big tank.. the smallest I could find at 5:00 A M in the morning. Put them in the tank when I got to work will try and take a pic later this evening.

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Not sure about the Fish maybe a small goby, would like to put my tiger pistol and a watchman goby but I think the shrimp police would get me for putting it in a small tank. Might even go just some sexy shrimp. I do want some coral. have a few mushrooms from my big tank and some other corals that are getting out of hand. I think the Hermit crabs wil go after awhile.

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Added a 18 w Actinic bulb to the fixture this morning, head it laying around, too one of the 50/50 out. Looks good. Makes the colors pop. Will have to dig around a find my camera to take some pics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone that comes by my office and see's the tank They ask Wheres the Fish. So when I came in this morning there was a plastic bag on my desk with a Coral Banded shrimp in it.. Don't ask it is a long story. Question is the Tank too small for the shrimp and will it eat my coral that I put in there. I have had one about 2 years ago in a larger tank?

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I had one for a while in my OG Barracuda and it was a mean bastard and picked on everything. It was cool looking in there though!!

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Well the Shrimp shead a claw but other than that it made it through the night. Did some water test this morning and everything is looking good. going to start moving some Coral from the big tank. Have a few mushrooms. But want a leather so it is off to the LFS in a day or two..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well here is my April FTS Tank is doing good added some Coral from the big tank Don't know the names of any of them but like the way they look. Work is hetic Down here with the Oil Spill. But I have the tank on my desk so I see it every day when I come in to work.... Oh and the Coral Banded shrimp is doing ok.. when I feed him it comes up and takes food from my fingers.


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Looks great! Can't wait to stock mine! I love when shrimp come up and feed from your hand. Hope the spill stops soon and gets cleaned up. BTW...it's riding season finally!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Forgot to post here on my thread... Been working with the Oil Spill so been busy, can bairly take care of th tank working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. Take Care.... Have some Oil to give away just come and pick it up..

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  • 7 months later...

Well here is a final post for my thread.... the tank is still up and running... only added water for a top off... it was sitting on my dest from June until just before Christmas... everything was alive and well. I gave it to my brother for a Christmas present. Most of the Oil spill clean up is over so I have some time to start a new tank.. Have the 5.5 from the begining so it is a new start. The Barracuda is doing fine my brother is going to post some pictures of it as soon as he can.....stay tuned for my New tank thread...Take Care

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Almost the last post but the story continues!. The tank is alive and well, Added a few corals and changed the sand to natural white. I have been using water out of my 65 gal reef to do water changes and it seems to be working. It only took about two days to recycle! I will post pics as soon as I can figure out how :huh:

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