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magnesium consumption rates


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30gl Finnex. Kalkwasser 2 tsp per gl top off water. Calcium runs 450 average, alk 10dkh. ph ranges from 8.2 to 8.45.

New tank started 4 months ago with base white rock.

My question is this. I am using Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium. Testing with Salifert kit.

I am adding average 2-3 teaspoons daily to keep mag levels up to 1300mg/L.

Does this sound like it is right? This is pretty new to me, dosing mag.

Not that much stony corals. Everything seems OK and don't see any precipitation going on.



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OK. Well, no one I suppose knows about this product. I will be keeping it as it is and hope for the best.

I do not want to switch to another product as I have lots of this one and cannot afford to buy other ones at this time.

So far everything looks OK so maybe the tank is consuming this much daily in good faith.

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Oh, and if anyone is interested, I had started with Brightwell Magneision, but I had used about a full 16oz bottle in less than 2 weeks so that did not pander out. The cost would have been too much to keep the levels near 1300.



I had read this article. but I am not that attentive and understanding of chemistry so became a bit lost as to why the tank is using so much magnesium daily.


Again, I am hoping for the best.

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  • 6 months later...

have you found a better product? I have been using brightwell magnesium, but it takes forever to raise and keep my levels at 1300.

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OK. Well, no one I suppose knows about this product. I will be keeping it as it is and hope for the best.

I do not want to switch to another product as I have lots of this one and cannot afford to buy other ones at this time.

So far everything looks OK so maybe the tank is consuming this much daily in good faith.


I think you are probably right. I was using brightwells magnesium and have switched over to Bulk Reef Supply, they sell bulk magnesium where you mix your own!!


But in my 34g solana I add about 100-200ml a week to keep mine at about 1300. I do have a full tank, but still 2 teaspoons daily in 30g is really not that much.

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I think you are probably right. I was using brightwells magnesium and have switched over to Bulk Reef Supply, they sell bulk magnesium where you mix your own!!


But in my 34g solana I add about 100-200ml a week to keep mine at about 1300. I do have a full tank, but still 2 teaspoons daily in 30g is really not that much.


This is a bit late, obviously, but those kinds of rates are not normal or plausible given the usual sinks of usage. The only other explanations is massive precipitation by the kalkwasser, which can result from a bit of an overdose, like any other additive. Even then, that's pretty hefty. I would almost suspect a bad test kit in this case, as well.

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From what i've heard around the forums (havn't tried seachem personally) seachem magnesium doesn't work all that well. Use a diff product, tech-m works well for me by kent.

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From what i've heard around the forums (havn't tried seachem personally) seachem magnesium doesn't work all that well. Use a diff product, tech-m works well for me by kent.


It works, but it is magnesium chloride. Since most magnesium supplements require large amounts to notice any real change in concentrations, it could cause an ionic imbalance. It's just easier and better to use supplements that are already balanced, like the Tech-M you suggested (which is also what I use).

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