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Top Shelf Aquatics

In tank regugium?


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I think I'm going to get a 20L (30"x12"x12") but want to somehow build an in tank refugium by "glassing" off a portion of the tank. Somewhat like Chris Mark's tanks except I want the refugium side by side with the main part of the tank.


How do I go about doing this? Do I have the glass go a little higher than the main tank water line and then pump water into the refugium and let it spill over the top into the main tank?

Would this work?


Any other ideas?

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Look into my thread, i built one and its acrylic too. It works great and best of all, all materials i bought from Home depot and only cost me $37! that is EVERYTHING! except the power head, but i am sure you have one laying around.

The overflow system is great and the Powerhead doesn't over punp the water into the refugium.


All I have to do now is add a small light which i am trying to find out how much it will be.

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I added a sump box that I made out of acrylic to my 75G. I made the box to be as tall as the tank. On the top I cut slits that decend down about 1.5" I drilled a few 1/4" holes (maybe smaller, I don't remember) in the sides and I pump water into the box via a powerhead. The water flows back out through the slits (like an overflow box). The slits are too narrow for most fish though my snowflake eel can still fit through (and a lunna wrasse once).


Originally I pumped the water via a tube up and over into the box. Next time I will just drill a hole about midway in the box and have the powerhead pump water through there instead.


Good luck

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