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DIY 2.5g AIO Pico


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So on the first of January, 2010 I started construction for the 2.5 Gallon Pico tank. I haven't decided what kind of corals to put in it, but I know I want corals that are relatively easy to take care of. I used a 2.5 AGA tank and added a false wall on the long side of the tank giving me a display area of only 1.67 Gallons.


The Supplies:

1) 2.5 Gallon AGA tank minus the top rim

2) Black Krylon Fusion Paint

3) Hydor Pico Pump 200 (70gph)

4) 50W Tetra Water Heater (pre-set for 78degrees +/- .2

5) Cut acrylic form Local Hardware store

6) Silicone from Local Hardware store

7) 24W Oddysea PC 50/50 light from e-bay that should be coming sometime this week.



The "sump" is divided into three parts and measures a total of 1.75"x12". The first section (left to right when looking from the back) will let water flow in through a surface skimmer. It is a fuge which will be filled with LR rubble and chaeto and is 5.5" long. The middle section is the return section which will house the Hydor pump and Tetra heater and is about 3.5" long. Finally, the section to the right will be a second inlet for water and be used for activated carbon and maybe some rowaphos and is about 3" long. (I might build a 2-rack filter chamber for this.)






The rockwork laid out just waiting to be put in the tank



Also I plan on adding a top to the display part of the tank but will leave the sump open for gas exchange


Let me know what you guys think....just take it easy when you're dissing my elite silicone skills. Its hard changing things in the sump after it already dried. 1.75" is not much wiggle room

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Looks good, I really like the rockwork, and I really like how you were able to put the filtration in the back as opposed to most small AIO's where its on the side.


Bravo :)

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Water tested the tank last night and found a few small leaks. Will test it again today and hopefully I can start filling this thing up with the black sand and rockwork...


Still trying to figure out exactly where I want to put the tank and still waiting on that light

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THE LIGHT CAME IN TODAY! Its an Odyssea 13" fixture with a 50/50 24W PC bulb







And a sneak peak of what it will look like on the tank



Thats all for now, there's still two few small leaks so the rocks are still waiting for their home

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the tank looks good. you should check out the pico section we are having a little pico competition you should join. that is unless you absolutley cant wait till the 25th to fill the tank up.


also have you tested out that pico pump yet because i ordered the 600 model for my 5g that im entering in the pico contest.

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So after fixing all the leaks, I realized that I needed to drill the holes for the overflow and the Hydor Pico 200 Pump. Why didn't I think of doing that BEFORE spending countless hours with silicone? So naturally I had to take everything out and start over. This time around, I left the elevated baffle out so I would have more room to play with the equipment. In its place I will put a removable media cartridge of some DIY type. But in the meantime I'm planning on using a medincine bottle with filter floss on top and slits in the side to run carbon. Pictures on their way!

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Having trouble finding the camera, so no pics yet...might have to just settle for cell phone images.


Update: Tank is re-siliconed with holes and everything leak free!!!! I made a DIY media rack that will sit behind on of the overflows. From top to bottom: Filter floss, activated carbon, rowaphos. I made it removable so water may decide to take a detour around the box i made, but I'm hoping a majority of the water will pass through the filter media.


So plans for tonight are to take pictures, do one last water test and if all is good add my sand and rocks! I can't believe it's finally getting there. I learned a lot so far from all the mistakes I made so this is definately a BIG learning experience.


Thanks for everyones help and input!

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Water test = PASS!





Back Sump Area with Pump and DIY media basket



Left side



Let me know what you guys think. Can't wait to start putting my stuff in. Just have to rethink the aquascape before I put anything in it.

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I want to glue one of my rocks to the false wall of the aquarium. What's the best way to do it? Can I use silicone to glue rock to acrylic? Will it last long term? Can I use the same silicone I used to build the false wall and baffles?


I was also thinking of making it removable to make it easier to trim back corals below the rock. Any suggestions?

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Getting some frags this Saturday!!! My local club is having a meet and I'm getting a free Orange Cap and a small frag of GSP. The GSP will be where the small rock island is. The Orange Cap will be on the tip of the cliff on the right side of the tank. I decided to use the Hydor Flo for more random water movement and to hopefully get some higher flow to the Cap. Not sure it will work, but I'll keep you all updated on the tank as it grows.

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looks really good. I'm gathering hardware to start my 2.5 gal pico too.


I think that should look really good when the frags start to grow in.

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Thanks for the compliment.


If you plan on doing an AIO, I suggest doing it the traditional way by partitioning out one side for the sump. Partitioning out the back doesn't leave much room to adjust things. Even better just use a HOB filter.


Only reason I did it this way is because I didn't want the tank to take up anymore space than a piece of paper. I also wanted there to be one continuous display with no awkwardly placed light. I'm just a little concerned that I didn't leave myself enough room to do any work in the tank and hopefully I won't get any corals that end up overgrowing the tank and taking over.

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So this weekend I picked up my first corals. I got a Kenya Tree with some orange palys attached to the plug and a plug full of green zoas. I'll post pics when everything is opened up.

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Here's a pic of what it looked like Sunday night. I'll get a better pick later




I'll leave the kenya tree pretty much where it is. I don't know where the orange paly's and the green zoos should be placed. I'm thinking of keeping them together on the left side of the tank and make that island for zoas/palys only. The right side, maybe for some mushrooms. and some GSP on the center rock.


Let me know what you think

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