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I just got a sixline wrasse (who by the way is an amazing fish and very active and interesting)

however I notice it has a couple of white dots on its fins

are these parasites??

if so how do I get rid of them?


what is the best food for six line wrasse?



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whoa what?

its not white dots like all over his body its just a couple on his fin

I can't tell if it's a dot or if its a rip but if it is a dot and not parasites its ick?? what kind of garlic extract? like in the grocery store?

what type of food is best for him?


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I can't tell since he is so fast I don't really know what to do


I have ick medicine but will it harm my corals?

I have a recently fragged toadstool leather and it hasn't attached yet so I don't want to do anything drastic

will it have any adverse effects at all?


and what is garlic extract??

should I feed him thats as opposed to Formula one or mixed in with it?


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Go to your LFS.....most places sell Garlic Elixer or Garlic Xtreme....something like that! You "suppliment" the formula 1 with Garlic by either adding it to the tank water or as a food soak. If you can't find it....www.premiumaquatics.com has it


I wouldn't use the anti-ick until you notice it spreading and/or getting worst. It is probably from stress of shipment

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