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Nano Newbie


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After a ten year break from saltwater aquariums I decided to jump back into the game by starting out small. Over the last several months I have been putting all the pieces together for my nano setup, here is what I have going on so far:


Tank:20" x 16" rimless AIO with dual 1/2" returns







Filtration: Live Rock, coral & Chaeto. (No protein skimmer)


Substrate: CaribSea Dry Aragonite Fiji Pink Reef Sand


Salt Mix: Red Sea Coral Pro


Lighting: AquaticLife T5 HO 4-Lamp Light Fixtures w/ Lunar LEDs

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Nice looking aquarium, I assume it is all acrylic? What are you going to use for return pumps? What does your stock list look like so far?



Thanks! It is made out of 3/8" acrylic. I am going to run two Eheim 600 pumps for the returns. The tank sits empty as of today, I have an order en-route from Marine Depot with everything except the live stuff. I plan to start the cycle process next weekend where I will start off with a small quantity of live rock from my LFS.


The thing I am not sure of is how soon is too soon to add Cheato? Is it best to wait until the nitrates level off?

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Here are some updated pics. I have a nagging feeling that the Eheim 600's are not going to give me the flow I am looking for. Water goes in tomorrow with live rock.









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Who makes the tank? looks like a good set up thus far. Personally I would not use the output elbows for flow restriction. Keep the pics coming.

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Who makes the tank? looks like a good set up thus far. Personally I would not use the output elbows for flow restriction. Keep the pics coming.


Thanks! The tank was made by John @ Advance Acrylics. I am not too excited about flow either am not sure I will keep the line-loc. The goal is to hide all plumbing in the display area and I am sure that I will make several changes as I go.

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Added water Saturday:




Note: Added small HOB filter for the start-up. Once it's moving along it's gone.





Let the seeding begin.


Added 6 lb live rock today.








Did a few water test today to get back in the swing of using water test.


SG: 1.023 (I Opted for the Refractometer instead of the swing arm that I am use to, what a difference!)


PH: 8.2

Ammonia 0.25

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

Phosphate: 0

DKH: 9

KH (PPM): 161.1

Calcium: 440

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I know you'll add more, but damn if it doesn't look absolutely perfect with just that one piece of LR ;)



Really nice looking tank.



love the simplicity of the aquascaping.


Thanks for the comments! It does look quite simple, I may stick with the less is more approach and see where it gets me. I am not planning on running a protein skimmer, do you think this is enough rock to support the biological filtration process?


You have me thinking though, I may play around with the idea of one or two bigger rocks instead of a bunch of smaller pieces.

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+1. You can have less than the general guideline for 1-1.5 lbs per gallon, but in that case you should treat the tank as if it were smaller when considering livestock (i.e. as a 6 gallon tank because there are 6 lbs of rock).

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Thanks! I am going to play it safe with mushrooms well after the break in process. If all goes well with keeping mushrooms I would like to add a few varieties of zoanthids. Fish will be the last addition and I am leaning towards a pair of Yellow Clown Gobies with a short invert list of a pair of sexy shrimp.

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Nice, clean and very well done. Throw some food in it. Get nasty with it to start the cycle.


Thanks! I took your advice and got "Nasty" with it. lol


Added more live rock yesterday, paid a whole lot more but got way better quality. I did find a Stomatopod that made it's home in one of the rocks, the jury is out as to whether I will keep him or not. A night excursion with flash light in hand turned up several brittle stars and tiny bugs all over the place.





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  • 3 weeks later...



Close to my one month anniversary and after testing almost every other day I never did see any evidence of a chemical cycle. I did run into some algae growth in the usual areas so I added a CUC last weekend. One huge turbo snail and ten hermits cleaned things up nicely.


I went a different direction on fish and picked up a pair of fire fish and started my coral collection with a mushroom rock.


So far I have been pretty happy with this setup but already planning/looking for a larger tank.


I still have a long way to go with adding more rock but here are some current pics.







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  • 4 months later...
any updates on this? It's a great looking little tank


Thanks! The tank is on cruise control and looks a little different from my last update. Here is a link to RC that has more updated info/Pics that also has not been updated in a long time...


Nano Blog


Looking at this RC thread I can not believe how much the few corals I have grown, I will take some more pics this weekend of the tank in it's current state and post them here.


In addition to the Nano I got the bug to go bigger so I started up an aggressive 55G FOWLR. Inhabitants so far, Clown Trigger, Niger Trigger and a lonesome Green Chromis. I will post us some shots of that one as well.

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