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PC bulb colors reviewed


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I thought I would make this thread cuz it's easier to compare by just looking at the thread than having to hook up the fixture every time I want to compare. If anyone can post what an 8800K looks like to say a 10,000K or 6500K, please post. I also will be getting a 'light blue' bulb to show as well.


6500K and actinic03:

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blue and actinic03. I believe the blue is what many companies used with 6500K bulbs before actinics came out in PC lights...remember the bulbs labelled 7100K blue?

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Yes. Those came in the old mini might. No other bulbs will fit in that thing except 5500k and 7100k blue. I have since sold one and used one for a fuge light. The True HL 03's have a blue tint, not a purple. I would be interested to see a comparison. Take pics of different combos over your tank.

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it doesn't look like you used a fixed white balance consistantly through the series of pictures, but rather, auto white balance - evidence for which is in your comparison between 6500k/5000k vs. 10000k against the 6500k vs. 5000k. yes no?

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yes, the nikon 5700 has built in auto white balance. That is why I did them side by side. I could turn it off and do it again...no big deal. This time I could do a composite pic with all the bulbs at once too. Wait til tomarrow for that though...I gotta get to sleep.

This might be the reason Jahkaya says his actinics seem less purple. All my coralife actinics seem to be the same color as well.

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with each picture the white balance is being reset (according to the different mixtures of light being emitted). if you want better consistancy of "what is white" in the individual pictures against each other, you might want to pop the FUNC button, hit "white balance," select "white balance preset" then (since this is subjective test anyway) find the a "whitest" physical object to sample as your base white. only do this once and stick with this setting with each picture.

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Oh, dont worry, I know my camera in and out (a camera like the 5700 requires you to know these things), and I will do the composite as soon as I get a chance this weekend. I did the comparison for this vary reason. I dont know if I wasnt thinking, but I figured it was more of a comparison anyways no matter what, as no two monitors may show the exact same or true colors anyways, no? So it is more important for a person to see what the diff is between two bulbs...so they can deduct what another bulb may look like with regards to one they have and I show next to it...like, "oh, my bulb is a 6500K, and that's there, and I am thinking about a 10,000K, and that is there, oh, it looks quite a bit bluer than the 6500K." To try to dispay the true color on the internet is rather futile...you dont know what the white balance level was on my camera...you may have your monitor set warm or cold...new or old...bright or dark...all things that will change the appearance here. The thing that fixing my white level would achieve would be to allow me to make one composite picture with all the various pics spliced into one chart...saving forum space.

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that's a good point. you're right. :flower:


hey you know what would be cool now? if you could take pictures of a tank lit with the different bulbs so we could see the color rendition of each.

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could you put them over something so we can see what they look like (not the actual bulbs, just their color). maybe your tank or a piece of paper or something!

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I was trying to get photos of them over a tank. Unfortunate for this test all my tanks that are set up are at least 18" deep, and it is pretty hard to tell what the light is like at that depth. Then I went for lighting up a fuge...but that doesnt show alot, being that everything in there is either brown, brownish-red, or green. I would have to set up a little 2-5gallon nano to do this proper over a tank...that might taker too long. BTW, the actinic bulb has lightened up a little to a dark blue color since I have hooked it up to the fuge and let it on 24/7 for a couple days.

I am in the process of building a small tank with water and a host of colored objects to try to show the colors with accuracy. Sorry, since I took down the 10gallon and 20H nanos, all I have right now is my not so nano 60cube reef and an incomplete soon to be 18" cube nano. I kinda miss the super nanos...maybe I'll have to set one up again.

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Ok, here it is. The composite. All photos were done with the camera on incandescent for the white balance. I tried fluorescent as well, but the blue was modified to the point where all the bulbs looked alike...very blue.

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The only bulb that really looked 'off' was the 10,000K...it was just too blue in this setting. Maybe I needed to run it longer to let it warm up a little before I took the picture as well...it almost looks as blue as the 'blue' bulb...not very accurate. Next, the small tank with decorations to show the effects of each bulb.

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