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I'm still puzzled by the whole lighting thing. How do you know what light is right? I get so much conflicting info from the LFS's that I don't know who is right. HELP! I know I have to replace my light in my System12, but I also have a 29 show I'm wanting to set up...what kind of light for that? I'm so freakin' confused!??? Are all my little 'people' in my System12 going to die if I don't change the light right now? When I set up my 29 is one light enough, and if so how do I know which one to choose? How do you people know all this stuff? I feel a little over whelmed, I think I need a hug.....:*(

'life is a comedy for those who think...and a tragedy for those who feel."
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It depends on what you want to keep. Shrooms, rics, zoos you can get powercompacts. SPS go for higher wattage PCs to MH.


On the system12 you can go with a 96w Power Quad and loose the entire hood all together or get the 32w retrofit if u want to keep the hood. Go with the CustomSeaLife Powercompact with Moonlite, 30", on the 29g. If you got the money go with MH.

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I have some mushroom coral, some leather coral, a couple of small anemones, a clown fish, and vaious small cleaners. Someone told me a site to check out, but they don't have the size I need of light thingy...so I don't know how to do wiring and I've heard that any larger light inside the hood causes heat build up, so do I just forget about the System12, how are all these other people doing them?

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Since you dont have SPS (Small Polyped Stony) Corals, you can retrofit your hood to accept the CSL 32w SuperNova Retrofit Kit Retrofit


You will always have heat and evaporation issues. Just keep up with your topoffs and a simple solution of heat dissapation is getting extra FANS. Either a small fan or computer fans that you can buy at radio shack.


Search on "eclipse system12" in the DYI forum on how to install.

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Hey Kel, Killrblue's link was broken for me, but here is the kit he was referring to


Custom Sea Life Supernova Retrofit. The description indicates your very model of Eclipse.


And to answer your question about lighting and your animals. No, they won't die immediately. They will waste away over the next several months. Basically, insufficient light means you are starving them - slowly. These animals should live and grow for years, if cared for properly.

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you guys are recommending a couple of different lights...how do I decide which is best for my tank? They are both 32w, does this mean they are the same? Both types say 'smart light' which sounds like what I understand to be a 50/50 bulb? I'm not really familiar with the lingo. One says it is ventilated for cooling...does that mean no fan is needed? I really apprteciate all the input! And, I'm super-happy to hear my critters aren't going to just keel over dead. Not to be a pain in the butt, BUT, why do you suppose my tank has never shown any ammonia, nitrate or nitrite? I started with a 'mature' bio-wheel, 23 lb. of live rock, 20 lb. live sand. Did it ever cycle?

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If you started with a 'mature' bio-wheel it's most likely that the tank never cycled because it didn't need to, the bacteria were already there.


But, you should be registering some nitrates unless you have a refugium or a deep sand bed. Maybe the test kit is bad?

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If you have tested for ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, and nitrate = < 10 parts per million, then you should be all set. Add absolutely no more livestock for at least 3 weeks. Let your tank settle in.

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