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Coral Vue Hydros

White stuff on the glass


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Hey everyone,


I've got lots of white things on my glass. They are not moving, and I don't think they are copepods. They are completely stationary, and it looks as if they are kind of glued to the glass.


Basically, they are very small, while dots that look glued to the glass with a clear glue. They almost look like single, little egg sacs.


Someone at my LFS told me they were probably mini sea squirts and that fish would peck them from the glass.


Any idea what they might be (I have no pic)? And how do I get rid of them if my one fish doesn't eat them?


Thanks everyone.

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i appear to have those on my newly started tank too. at the moment i dont have a fish to even try to eat them so i have just left them alone. the ones that i appear to have seem to be nocternal, they only really appear after the lights have been off for a little while.

my LFS owner said they might be small snails of some description, and most fish will just eat them.

if you have a live rock in your tank it is likely that these organisms just came from their. i wouldnt be too worried about them. just let your fish do the work.

keep doing all your tests and just keep and eye on them to see what they are doing.

this probably didnt help you much, but at least by knowing that someone else has the same things, it might ease some of your fears.

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