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Opinions on 15g high fish selection


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I was hoping to get some opinions on the fish and inverts I was planning to add (over time) to my new 15g high tank. I'm on day 20 of cycling. I have 20 lbs of LR and 20 lbs of aragonite sand. I'm currently reading "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael S. Paletta and I just happen to be on the Fish Selection chapter. In the book, he briefly talks about a "barebones" aquarium in the 15 to 20 gallon range. I was planning to add the following:



2 Percula Clown Fish

1 Royal Gramma (or 1 Yellowtail Damsel)

1 Neon Goby



1 pepperment shrimp

1 small hermit crab

1-2 snails


Your advice is appreciated.

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might wanna ease up on the fish load. 15H with 20lbs of live rock prolly has the water volume of say a 10, or less. You're either going to be doing alot of frequent water changes (which gets old) or skimmin' it constantly...


I have 2 clowns, a watchman, and a pain-in-the-ass Royal Dottyback inna a 30, and I think that's too much (skimmer pulls a cupful o'gunk 'bout every two days) so the dottyback's goin' to the LFS soon as I move everything to a new 45.


Neon gobies are nice and small as are clown gobies.




I would omit the hermit (just a personal thing) and add more snails. Like about 10 more. Most ppl say 1 per gal... I usually go with 2 per gal. If you want a crab, get an emerald. You'll never have Hair algae..


Shrimp are good.

get two

after a while they should breed and the babies will feed your corals


just my .02

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I agree on the fish load, you may want to just stick with the pair of clowns. I also agree about the amount of snails, but get a variety as different snails do different things in the tank. Nassarius and cerith for sand stirring, margaritas, nerites, astreas are all good for grazing on the algae on the glass and rocks. I happen to be one of those wierdos that likes my hermits, they've done an excellent job in both my tanks. Get them tiny and go with blue legs and a couple red legs. Add extra shells so they don't snack on the snails for thier shells. They will duke it out and you'll lose some but hermits are cheap so no big deal.

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