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skimmer vs. fuge what's more important?


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OK, live rock is curing right now, but I still haven't gotten all my equipment yet(on a budget). Should I save up for a skimmer 1st, or make a fuge out of an ac500 1st(from searching this seems like a good cheap way to go for a fuge))?


My tank is going to stay FOWLR until I can afford some good lighting(have a couple normal output flourescent bulbs on it).

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For less than the cost of the ac500, you could make your own CPR like fuge! Check out Aliens thread "DYI fuge" or something like that in the DYI forum.


What size tank? Different skimmers have different niches. A Remora or CPR BakPak would best, but if the tank is too small for these, the Red Sea prism or prism pro would work on a 10ga. I think anything smaller than a 10ga, you might have to look at the Sander's piccolo skimmer. Of course, everything is decreasing in price as you go.


Maybe someone else can chime in on the red sea prizms fitting anything smaller than a 10ga.

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I'd say skimmer over fuge, regadless. But being that it's FOWLR, Skimmer for sure, the fuge will just increase your water capicity and give a place for stuff like aglie and pods to grow unless you want to keep a fish that requires pods to eat, or a fish that will eat all your alige plus a fuge will take a while to get established and start exporting nutrients at the same level as skimmer from what I understand. You'd need alot of macro algie to do so.

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The Prizm is a good skimmer, but it can be a little upity at times. No one take offense to this, but it goes through a bit of PMS. If you don't keep up on monthly maitence, it doesn't like to work. Other than that, it's a great skimmer. Go with a skimmer befor the fuge, it'll make things easier.

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