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DIY UV sterilizer idea, whatcha think?


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Ok, got a bit of a paracite problem, and thinking of building a UV sterilizer to help out a bit.


My idea:

I already have a clear 18" cylinder counter current skimmer set up. Now i'm think about purchasing two UV bulbs, and hardware. Then afixing them to the skimmer, then wrapping the whole contraption in something, perhaps foil, to prevent the UV from spilling out...etc..


I've seen UV bulbs for cheep at places like Home Depo. they like PC's and are probable around 18-25 watts each. They cost about $15. - NOTE: i've seen the exact same bulbs at LR's, like big Al's, going for $60.

So i should be able to build the whole think for around 45-60 CND dollars.


So what do you think? will it work?

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first, i think it's a bit risky. light hoods and sumps are one thing but uv sterilizers? whew!


you mentioned you were going to put it next to your skimmer but most skimmers are made of acrylic which is a natural uv filter. you need to have total transmission of the uv for effectiveness.

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Dooh! can't believe I didn't think of that... ya your right, is probly does have bad UV properties. Well thats not really a problem, i'll just construct something out of glass, something around the same demensions, like a rectangular box 18"x4"x4", drill the holes, attach the hoses, then fix the light to it, and then cover the whole thing in foil, and then slowly pump water throught it..etc. as far as i'm aware UV units are pretty simplistic units, essentialy just a light, the only thing you want to consider is that the water is flowing at such a rate that it exposed to the UV rays for long enough before it leaves the unit....anyway, should be pretty easy, can't really see any problems with it.. can anyone else?


p.s. - i'm not sure where i saw the UV bulbs for cheep, or exactly how much i saw them for... all i remeber was passing them, and saying to myself, "hey, those are the same as the ones at the LF and they are a 1/3 of the price" - but at the time i wasn't considering building one, so now i can't remember where i saw them.. perhaps at a garden pond center.

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