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Can anyone identify this fish


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the worst part about the red x box fish is that you know you have it and you can't figure out why. You swear up and down that you did everything right and that you didn't want the red x box fish but, lo and behold, there it is.


I'm willing to bet you try again and get the red x box fish a second time. They multiply like that. gets out of hand and then you give up.

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Yeah, those red X box fish are real bastards. A friend of my cousin's friend's sister's husband's aunt's brother-in-law got his hand sliced up by a school of them. They just came out of no where... the doctor said he'll never be able to use chopsticks again. Such a sad thing.

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You got who are suffering from the red box fish go see your doctor. Mine set me up on a nice antibacterial cream that cleared everything up in 2 days:D



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Unfortunately, it seems you boxfish has passed on. The most obvious indication of this is the "X" in it's eye, the common marker for the "dead cartoon pet"



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Actually, I think you are mistaken. That is an example of the rare and hard to keep, green eyed red box fish.


Btw how do you keep the flies alive? I keep putting them in my tank and they become very still, stop moving, and sink to the bottom after a few minutes.

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Originally posted by MB3

Actually, I think you are mistaken. That is an example of the rare and hard to keep, green eyed red box fish.


Btw how do you keep the flies alive? I keep putting them in my tank and they become very still, stop moving, and sink to the bottom after a few minutes.


I heavily aerate the water.

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