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As mentioned in an earlier posst in a different topic, my biocube 8 is badly overstocked which may be causing what im about to ask. My ammonia is right at .25 and i cant get it to 0. NitrItes are 0 and NitrAtes are at 30 ppm. Why is this? Using API saltwater master test kit.

Tank inhabitants

Oscillaris clown - 11/2 "

Sapphire damsel - 1"

Red Banded Goby- 1"

Fire Shrimp, snails, hermits, 3 corals

Everything appears healthy. Right or Wrong, it seems that by looking at my corals i can somewhat tell how my water is, even though i check it every other day

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All i had to test it against was a tetra saltwater kit and it tested out 0. I don't get it, i thought API was suppose to be reputable. Hopefully my other tests are accurate!

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ive never had a problem with the api tests. check the lot # on the front of the bottle at the top. the last four digits r the manufacture date.

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