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Alkalinity not rising


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Mag 1240, Calcium 450, Alk 6.5 dkh, no matter how much component 1 of the Alk/Calc ESV buffer system I add, the Alk never rises, stays steady at 6.5. Any ideas? :(

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I may have just been not dosing enough. I was putting 5ml a day into the tank with no effect, doubled it to 10 yesterday and now I'm at 7dkh instead of 6.5. I don't have many calcium demanding corals but I have a ton of corraline. Perhaps it's serving as a huge drain on my alk levels and I just have to dose a lot?

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Coraline algae need alk to build itself


You know I've always known this to be true but I guess it never clicked that this could be a measurable drain.

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... I have a ton of corraline. Perhaps it's serving as a huge drain on my alk levels and I just have to dose a lot?


Good working hypothesis.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Long story short:


Elos Test (1) (tank water) - 6.5 dKH

Elos Test (2) (tank water) - 6.5 dKH

Elos Test (Salifert 7.2 dKH (-/+ .3) test solution) - 4.5 dKH


Salifert Test (1) (tank water) - 8.5 dKH

Salifert Test (2) (tank water) - 8.5 dKH

Salifert Test (Salifert 7.2 dKH (-/+ .3) test solution) - 7.4 dKH


Should I have any confidence at all in my entire line of Elos test kits?


Posted it on the sponsor forums Elos has on the evil site:




We'll see what they have to say...


My corals started to look like poop when I dosed according to the Elos kit :P

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+1 to erring with the Salifert, which has an older reputation for quality than elos. You probably picked the wrong subforum at reefcentral to ask your question about the elos kit's quality. It appears that both test kits are precise (consistent), but the salifert kit is more accurate (closer to the true value).

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I came clean on the other thread Fosi and we'll see how the drama unfolds after that post. Still very interested in the results though obviously :D

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