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Coral Vue Hydros

low calcium Q about my water


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Calcium last month was 300 using IO, I ran out and switched to Red Sea Coral Pro


2g a week water change has brought it up to 340 last week and today I did a 4g water change .


Its still reading 340 (tested it twice) , maybe I need to test it again tomorrow. (API test kits)



8.4pH (end of light cycle)


I really don't want to start adding crap and mess things up... what do you guys think?


PS frogspawn is growing like a weed, thats my only LPS (rest are softies)


PSS I read this and see that Ca, dKH and pH are all connected... http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm

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Since your frogspawn is the only stony coral, you can be a little lax on what is the minimum amount of calcium needed (380 is the minimum of the "normal' range). LPS like frogspawn don't depend so heavily on calcium/alkalinity to grow as SPS.

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What is your Mag?

I don't have a Mag test kit. Guess I should put that on the wish list?

But if I keep doing waterchanges with salt higher in Calcium, the Ca SHOULD rise right ?

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I don't have a Mag test kit. Guess I should put that on the wish list?

But if I keep doing waterchanges with salt higher in Calcium, the Ca SHOULD rise right ?

Yes the calcium will rise, but you have to realize that it will only rise a small amount. For example, if your calcium is at 350ppm, and you are changing 20% of your water with salt mix that mixes to 400ppm, your calcium will effectively rise to 360ppm. If you were to do the same process again, your calcium would effectively rise to 368ppm. Do it again and your calcium will rise to about 374ppm. Thats 3 20% water changes and you have only raised your calcium by 24ppm.


If you want a faster increase in calcium, supplementation with a 2 part system like B-ionic is a better approach.

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Yeah, I understand how the math works out and its a slower increase the closer you get. Although the Red Sea salt says it mixes up at 480ppt Ca @ 1.025 which is WAY higher than I have now...


I have about 17g of actual water, so changing 2g @ 480 would raise me from 320 to 338

changing 4g should raise me to 357, but it didn't. Thats what I'm confused about. I tested it again yesterday (20 hours after waterchange) , still read 320~340.


Thanks !

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Curious. Have you by any chance been dosing buffer to correct a pH issue? The reason I ask is that your alkalinity is really high for such a low amount of calcium, and it is tough to get into that situation unless you have been adding buffer for one reason or another.

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I read that in the chemistry article... the main cause of perimeters in the "zone 3" range is dosing a buffer... The only things I have EVER added are live sand, LR, base rock, some dry sand, IO salt (up till a month ago) now Red Sea and 3/4 drop of Kent Marine Lugols iodine every week in waterchange. I have never dosed anything else or used any type of buffer.


It took a while to get the pH up, it was 7.8 at first, then 8.0 but I think the fuge I have now (6g light on 24/7) has really helped. I'd doing a pH test now to see how low it drops in the morning from the 8.4 i get at night

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B-Ionic 2-Part seems to have one bottle for Calcium and one for Alk... My Alk is fine right? So can I only add the Ca part?

The addition of just the calcium supplement would definitely work in your situation, but you need to continue to test the alkalinity to make sure you establish a balance between the two.


It wouldn't hurt to double check your calcium test reading against a different brand kit either, just as a precaution.

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The pH right now (3 hours before lights on) is still 8.3-8.4 wow this fuge is REALLY working. It used to drop way down by morning. Getting rid of all the GHA i'm sure helped too, at one point there was so much it looked like i was running an airstone ! :o


Thanks for the quick response. I'll take a sample to the LFS for them to test next time I'm there getting RO water. The frogspawn must be using some calcium right ? Its skeleton has grown a lot, so I figured there must be a decent amount in the tank (which is why i was so surprised to see it so low)


I prob won't worry about dosing the calcium until Jan 18th when I'm back from my honeymoon, we'll see how much higher it is by then with the WC's

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bump for more answers, and did a 2g WC today... still at 340ppm Ca


Have you tested the fresh mixed salt water?

You said:

lthough the Red Sea salt says it mixes up at 480ppt Ca @ 1.025

Are you sure its mixing at that number? Maybe its really mixing up lower?


What are you using to check specific gravity? If thats off, your calcium will be off because you didnt achieve 1.025.

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Have you tested the fresh mixed salt water?

Maybe its really mixing up lower?

What are you using to check specific gravity?




Maybe I should...


My stupid $45 drF&S refractometer that I have to calibrate EVERYTIME I USE IT. (i'm sure its accurate) :wacko:

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On a side note, I wouldn’t be dosing Iodine. In such a small tank that can be dangerous. Regarding red sea salt, I have never seen it mixed to actually 480. Then again I don’t trust the test kits we use in this hobby.


If what you are doing is working - coral is growing - just keep it up, dont let yourself chase numbers on these test kits, that can lead to many many problems. :)

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