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Mirage's 40 Gallon Stretch Hex


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twelve volt pro

Thats an awesome tank, I love the dimensions of it! That eel looks amazing as well. Good luck with the move!

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Thats an awesome tank, I love the dimensions of it! That eel looks amazing as well. Good luck with the move!




Yeah we just signed the papers on the new place today so we'll start moving stuff over soon. I'm also going to remove this subtrate and go back to sugar sand, i had hoped this stuff would work out but it does trap detritus quite a bit like i was worried it would.


My next build i'm thinking about doing another DIY tank perhaps with LEDs.

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those are some of the best pics of a sixline ive ever seen! most people can barely get the fish to stay in the frame.



Thanks! it took me quite some time but i noticed a pattern with his swimming, he has a route he follows over and over again. Once i figured that out i had the camera in his spots ready for a shot, it took longer waiting for him to flare his fins though.

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good luck with the move! I loved my sixline, wasn't a jerk at all, but then he was in a tank of damsels lol. so are you taking down this tank or setting it up again and setting up another one?

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Taking it down and setting back up with sugar sized sand this time, i hope i can get my rockwork the same lol.

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lol good luck with that. I like the sugar sand better than other substrates, had crushed coral for a bit but was not a fan at all, so just covered it with live sand lol

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lol good luck with that. I like the sugar sand better than other substrates, had crushed coral for a bit but was not a fan at all, so just covered it with live sand lol


Yeah it should be interesting. Yeah i love the look of the sugar sand but i hate how it blew all over the place in my 20L with my 70+x turnover hehe.


Also on the list for things to get done: i'm gonna build a new stand for this tank, regular rectangular because i hate that i can only fit a 10 gallon under it. Eventual goal is to fit regular 20h under there or 29 gallon and seperate fuge into three sections: fuge,return,skimmer and upgrade skimmer to possibly a Bubblemaster NAC6A.


And here are a few more pictures.



Bunch of new baby heads all around the bottom of it.



Galaxea with a bunch of babies around the base also.



The Starry just chillin'



And guess the coral!




hmph i'm bored.

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Did you already take it down and switch out the substrate?


Sounds like a phita to have to take everything out , change out the substrate and then add it all back in.

I hope I never have to do that.


Nice looking tank , I like the hex , very different.

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Thanks :)


Yeah i have to tear it down to move so i figure i'll swap out the substrate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently moved to a new place and had to transfer my 40 gallon so i setup two 20 gallon longs to house all my livestock. I didn't realize how many more frags i had accumulated from being in the 40 and i barely have enough room in a 20 gallon long now days lol. Everything will be waiting in this setup until i can get my new 90 gallon setup ready to go.


Just thought i would share, this setup took me about 30 mins to setup and seems to be working well so far. I'm using a CPR continuous overflow style box with aqua lifter and i have it at lowest setting hoping it will keep my GD moray in :D Skimmer is rated for about 250 gallons and sitting in about 25 gallons total system volume after rock water displacement.


This is about 10 mins after actinics came on so most stuff isn't even open yet.







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