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Coral Vue Hydros

What to put in??


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Ok....my set up is complete.... my cycle is complete..... now for the fun part.... what to put into the tank. I could use some opinions from anyone who has had amazing experiences with their corals. Here is my set up so that you can better inform me:


Size: 10g

Light: 2 x 36w - one 7000k white light, one marine blue 12000k

Circulation: Rio 600

Filtration: Penguin Bio Wheel Mini

LR: 10lbs (more should come with coral...right?)

LS: 3 inch sand base

Occupents: 1 clown, 7 crabs, 1 turbo snail

Heating: Standard heater


If you need to know anything else, just let me know. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I want to make great choices from the people who have had the most experience. Thanxs!!!



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I would stick with max 1 fish.

In my 24G I have a max of two clowns.

Lower fish stock levels makes for a better water quality.


I really like your colour temps of your lamps. I can tell you now providing you setup properly, you will get awesome growths with those lamps.


Anyway, go for hardy, easy corals at first.

Things like mushrooms and button polpys.


Go easy on the purchases. no more than one coral purchase per week.

Then go for something like star polpys.


Then you can buy a bubble coral, colt coral etc...


Just research the corals BEFORE you buy them.


If you need any further info, just email me.

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

Start with stuff like Green star polyps and bubble corals. Most mushrooms are kind of... less appealing, and they grow huge! Dont buy a coral just because it's easy. Do your research and get easy-intermediate difficulty corals. When I first joined this forum I asked what are good begginer corals, and someone (who will remain nameless) told me to get a Pulsing Xenia. I guess he didn't know that a most xenias are extreamly difficult, and the pulsing is the hardest one!

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Originally posted by  

(who will remain nameless) told me to get a Pulsing Xenia. I guess he didn't know that a most xenias are extreamly difficult, and the pulsing is the hardest one! [/b]


I haven't found xenias difficult at all. I'm a beginner and all my pulsing xenia is doing great and spreading like crazy. Xenia does not require direct feeding, tolerates a big variety of currents and has done well with my PC lighting.

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Most mushrooms are kind of ugly, and they grow huge!


I actually like a lot of the mushrooms, like the blues, reds, greens, they are quite nice looking. I'm thinking starting with soft corals would be best.

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So far I've been able to afford green button polyps and a toadstool leather, and they seem very hardy and tolerant of different things that have gone awry in my tank (temp fluctuations, small ammonia spikes).


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Xenia are relatively easy! My system is VERY basic and Xenia is thriving in my system. Anyway; 95% of you guys and gals have either PC or MH lighting, and my lighting is NO Fluoros and Xenia is thriving in my tank.


I made a post a week or so back about how my starfish ate all of my Xenia and a 5mm little base root left grew back!

There are now 9 or more heads.

I found it astonishing how it grew back from almost nothing.


As for mushrooms, I reckon they are beautiful. There are some really nice colours and textures out there.


I have seen some beautiful tanks both on the net and inc a 500G tank at one of my LFS's and its awesome, AND its got mushrooms all along the bottom etc. Well, just my opinion. :P

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

I'm with the NO crowd too, these fancy lights that people spend a friggin fortune on dont even seem to work as well as NO's. And most Xenia's are difficult (at least compared to shrooms, leathers, polyps) and it was strange of someone to reccomend them to me before I had any experience.

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

It's not that I think mushrooms are ugly, that was a poor choice of words. I just think there is a feeling that you must start with them because they are so easy. I say get whatever corals you want (within reason). Never buy something just because it's cheap(er).

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:D I see. Power compact Flourescent bulbs actually have a lot more light output per watt than normal flourescent setups. They are really cheap if you compare them watt per watt. It's just that some folks have trouble getting decent prices on them. I just orded 2 13w PC lights for $18 apiece, with my choice of bulbs.


Go with what you can afford ;)

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Hey guys... Thanx for all ur input....ive been looking online and at my lfs....so many choices.....its hard to choose!! hehe:D



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