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Help these weird bug things in my reef


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I have a 20 long with a 40 watt light over the center that gives 4 wats per gallon in the middle 3 watts per gallon closer to the side and 2 wats per gallon at each end for my mushrooms as i was examining this piece of sps i noticed these little white specks jumping around all over it are they eating it what are they? are they going to destroy my reef? How do i kill them iff necisary?

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I hate to tell you this but your correct with your assumptions. Those are called LPS mites. The will pick at all the corals in your tank and eventually kill them. Sadly there is nothing you can do but watch. You use to be able to get a nipplet crab that would eat them. But now they are endangered and not legal to trade and sell. Sorry

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Ohh forgot to mention i have four turo snails and 20 little baby turbos that i bred i also have a letice slug and an emerald crab assorded rare soft and hard corals with livestock over about 1000 dollars so if these bugs are going to destroy all that i am in deep s**t :o

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Okay I've let you stress long enough. Just playin :P Those are called copepods. The are harmless and actually really good signs of a healthy tank.


:welcome: to NR.com.

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Ohh forgot to mention i have four turo snails and 20 little baby turbos that i bred i also have a letice slug and an emerald crab assorded rare soft and hard corals with livestock over about 1000 dollars so if these bugs are going to destroy all that i am in deep s**t :o

... and you've never seen copepods before?



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Militant Jurist



I call shenanigans Troll.




Either that, or someone did an "instant setup reef" and bought all of that livestock along with the tank. Otherwise, there is no way that this is a first observance of da bugs.

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