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Cultivated Reef

Water temperature changes


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ok you guys so i have a saltwater resovuar near my tank for saltwater changes since i was suggested to do them weekly i have a pump in there and a heater. My question is will it affect my livestock if the temperature in the bucket is 78F degrees and the aquarium is 79F the reason im asking this is beacuse the heater i have in the bucket will get it up to that temperature and the one in the tank can get it up even higher. soo im jw if a degree change in the water be enough to stress out the fish... srry bout the noobish question but that heater is all i can afford for right now lol.... soo as confusing as that was the question is will my fish be affected if the water i add to the tank is one degree lower than the one in the aquarium... thanks

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sometimes the water i change with is up to 10 degrees in difference. nothing bad has happened to me...

oh wow lol... thats great news hahaha its just i have this idea in my head that these animals are so delicate and frail you know? and ive already had one tank crash on me lol... im just taking the safe road lol... also i have a ten gallon tank how much water should i change a week?

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