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Coral Vue Hydros

Planning a 20L - Need Input


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Let me know how you like this setup. I switched to a 20L since it will fit the space I have for a tank better and it will be cheaper to setup.


Tank: 20L with Glass-Holes style overflow

Sump: 20L - Divided for refugium and pump (Not sure if I really need a skimmer for this small of a setup)

Lighting: ?? Would like something cheap

Powerhead: 2x Hydor Koralia 1 or Nano

Heater: Ebo Jager


I will be doing a DIY sump with either a Glass-Holes overflow, or ill make one exactly the same myself. Give me input on any part of the setup.



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What's even more awesome than a 40 breeder is the oceanic illuminata tank. It's the same dimensions but a bit taller, and looks super nice.

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What's even more awesome than a 40 breeder is the oceanic illuminata tank. It's the same dimensions but a bit taller, and looks super nice.

40 Breeder = $60

Illuminata = $300

40 Breeder Wins!


Lots of good info on sumps/refuge here http://www.melevsreef.com/allmysumps.html

Is your tank drilled or is the overflow HOB? Do you know what pump your going to use for your return?

I have not purchased it yet but I plan on drilling it. Not sure if I will do it on the bottom or back. It will be a aqueon tank so the bottom will be drill-able. I was thinking of using a Mag 7 or a Quiet One 3000.



What do you want to keep?


Here's some sump info:


I want lots of critters, a few fish, and a wide range of corals. I understand I may need better lighting, but I would really rather not have to buy a 6 bulb unit or MH.

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i would go with a nove extreme pro 6 bulb...look for a used one..i know a guy local that is selling 2 for $150 each.


i would run a hob overflow....uasy simple and saves space.


i had a 40b until i upgraded to a oceanic 70. same size only taller. you can see my sump in my sig.


also check here....this is one of the best 40b's on nano reef

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I have actually decided on a 20L tank since it will be much cheaper and it fits the space we have better. I think a Glass-Holes style overflow and a 20g sump will be good. Not sure on the lighting but I would like something cheap. Would a 2x 65W CF be enough? The 4 bulb T5's are too much.

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Honestly it is worth it to save up and get a good light

you won't regret it


If your looking for ideas on set-up you can check out my thread


good luck!

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