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Top Shelf Aquatics

How do you keep the surface slean?


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I have found that every day there are floating "bits" on the surface of my tank and I would like to know how you keep the surface clean? I've got a JBJ 12 gallon tank... I have found that if you turn a powerhead upside down (so that it sux from the surface) and through a sponge, that works really well :) ... any other ideas would be great...

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  • 1 month later...

Nalbar, is that a trashcan you're using as a fuge??? LOL I've considered doing the same thing. I just haven't been able to bring myself to take such a bold move. Nobody would really see it but me, so I can't say why.... :) Have you got any more pictures of the setup?

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  • 5 weeks later...


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