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Cultivated Reef

new fish room


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I know this is the nano-reef forum but I was just wondering if anybody knows of anyone I could talk to about designing a filter for a 1000 gallon saltwater fish room. I want to make sure I have my flow rates correct. Thanks.


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ok i work at an aquarium store and our filtration systems are simple. we have about 4 sytems that are over 500 gallons each and the systems used are about the same. on all of them we just have a large sump to hold our skimmers (we use RK2 but other smaller systems will work). this is about the only filtration we use. we have things like micron bags on overflows and other stuff like that but we keep it very simple and it works very well since our store has been open for over 10 years and is very successfull.

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Thaks for the help. I am in the design stage right now. I plan on opening some time next year. I will let you know of my progress.

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

Most aquarium stores use sumps and a combination of filters (mostly trickle - style) and HUGE protein skimmers. Let us know when the store opens (and give us ridiculous discounts ).

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Guest LudavicoTechnique

If you go to a private dealer (not big als or petsmart...) and ask them to show you their system because you are writing an essay or making a website or something they wont mind showing you around and telling you how everything works. It makes them happy because they know what they are talking about, and like us, they just like to talk about their hobby.

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Originally posted by LudavicoTechnique

and give us ridiculous discounts.


I second that!! :D Are you planning on setting up a site to do ordering from...?

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