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fish question


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Only one fish for sure and yeah, you could do either but keep in mind that in such a small tank you will have a pretty good bioload with the fish in there so it's very imprtant to monitor your water quality and do weekly water changes.

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I am probably going to start with a domino damsel because they are alot cheeper at lfs in my neighborhood, and since this is my first sw tank I would like to keep the cost down until I am more experienced. I have a friend starting a 75 gallon sometime in the next 6 months and he said he would take the damsel if I decided to get a clown later on. Also I wanted your suggestions and some inverts for my tank such as small hemit crabs, cleaner shrimp, and stare fish, and what would work best. and thanks for your help

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In a tank that small you really shouldn't go with anymore than 1 shrimp. Cleaner is a good choice. As for hermits a couple blue legs and maybe a red leg. You'll want to toss an assortment of snails in there since different snails do different jobs. Nassarius dig in the sand bed and eat detritous. Ceriths do the same and will cruise the glass occasionally snacking on algae. Go with margaritas for the glass. And as I mentioned before only one fish.

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would a pepermint shrimp be ok instead of a cleaner, so far I cant find and cleaner shrimp at my local lfs. of coarse their are only 3 that deal with saltwater and only 2 have inverts and none have a lot to choose from. But one place does sell blue legg hermit crabs and pepermint shrimp. I was also wondering if adding a stare fish to your suggestions would be to much, I am not shure if I even want one but was wondering if it was possible and if so whate kind, and if i could still keep a damsel.

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Dominos get big, about 5". Too big for a 5 gallon, plus, they're mean little bastards. Cheaper, yes, but they will become a huge problem in the future. If you want a damsel, get one of the yellow tail blues or a princess damsel (good luck on finding one). Yellow tails are about $1-10, depending on the LFS (my LFS sells them for about $2, $.75 when they're on sale). They're small, only getting about 2-3". They are extremely hardy; infact, they're used as cycle fish. And they are colorful. They won't screw around with shrimps like a domino will. HTH

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My one local lfs does sell yellow tail damsels, the reason I originally chose domino was beacaus anothr lfs had damsels for a little cheeper but only have domino or striped to choose from, but I would rather pay a few dollars more to have the proper fish for my tank, thanks for the info, you probably saved me alot of trouble down the road.

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Im sorry I spelt that wrong it is supposed to be starfish I think, even thought it is an invert not a fish. Just wonduring if I could keep one in that small of a tank with everything else, and if so what kind would be recomended

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You could keep one of the fromia stars. they only get about 3". They are a bit less hardy, but they are worth the risk. They are extremely brightly colored.

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is their any special lighting concerns for a fish and invert only tank, I have a floresent light hood that cam with the tank. I thought that I could always upgrade the lighting if or when I decide to a coral later on. I also have a second florecent light hood if I need both.

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Just wanted to say thanks for everyones help and suggestions. I am still new at this and want to learn all I can before I purchase and fish or inverts.

I have done alot of reserch but I still like to ask questions and get other peoples oppinions.

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You could get a green/blue chromis. It's in the damsel family...shouldn't run you too much more money than a yellow tail. They're friendlier. The thing with damsels is..once they're in your tank they're a terror to get out.

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Chromis don't do very well alone. They need to be kept in odd numbered schools or groups. You can't keep 3 of them in a 5.5, I'm having problems with 3 in a 10. But chromis are great, friendly, hardy, and pretty. Plus, they are horny little buggers. Mine breed once a month at least. Try a single Fire fish. They cost about $10, and are great begginers' fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you can do a fromia starfish in a 5.5 but have to be very careful with proper water levels. I had one in mine which died (dissolved) for unknown reasons (water was and is testing A-OK and all inhabitants thriving). After doing some research, I found out that they are actually not that hardy and will often die even if acclimated properly, good tank conditions exist, etc..) so you might want to stick with the starfish that will most likely come on your liverock (my tank is full of em, cute little buggers!)


they are very hardy and multiply asexually by dividing, a cool thing to watch b.t.w.

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There are many types of gobies that stay small and are cute and colorful that would be a good choice for your tank.


clown goby

gold neon goby

blue neon goby

red head goby...

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