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tank possibilities


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Would this tank be *too* small for a nano reef in anyone's opinion? I'm not sure what capacity it is but I measured out the dimensions on some paper and I think it might be just over a gallon. I was going to start a nano-reef at the beginning of the year but then I became concerned about the humidity in the house and mould, so dropped it. I'm thinking this might work though, wouldn't be any worse than having a pot of water sitting in my room. Not interested in corals, etc, basically just a chunk of live rock and whatever happens to be growing on it that I wouldn't have to be slave to (if that turns out in disappointment and I just have a algae covered rock and some aragonite/live-sand mix in a bowl then I might consider something 'movey' beyond some snails or dwarf hermits).

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It maks an okay nano. I have one and became bored with it and also didn't like the fact that I had to tinker with it everyday and if you don't top it off everyday the salt creep is horible. just my 2 cents-Yves

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Thanks for the reply. I'm having trouble imagining how big it is, even after having drawn it out roughly. Do you know the capacity of it? That "great home for bettas" thing they said on the site is making me imagine it impossibly small since all I've ever seen those poor fish in are plastic cups.

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i agree with yves. top-off, that's the main issue with the smallest tanks (picos and smaller). brandon529 goes around this by sealing the system to prevent evaporation. that tank doesn't lend itself to that since it has no lid. and a typical auto top-off creates an enormous amount of splash, relatively speaking (i.e. salt creep and salinity shocks). they're normally fine for a larger tank tho (1-gal and higher).


some other options you may want to pursue for tiny tanks are betta tanks or any clear plastic container. (btw my pico tank isn't that anymore, the hosting software glitches hasn't allowed me to update/correct) i've been thinking about those beanie baby containers. they're very clear and usually come with a lid. some dremeling and you can still fit the AZoo Tiny HOB on them too. i don't know what the volume is tho, depends on the container style, i guess (0.5 Qt to 1Qt probably).


heating or regulating the temp is the other critical issue (too hot or too cold depending on the season). there was an integrated filter and heater mentioned (from UK) fairly recently that is small enough to function in either the AquaVase, betta tank or a similarly-sized pico. haven't tried it tho, not even sure if they export outside of UK. for cooling, you'd just have to live with a constant fan blaring away at the setup. hth

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If yuo don't drip top off , you will have large salinity issues like they said. Spend a bit more, and go w/ a betta tank like he said, or a 2.5. I saw a cool 4 galln cube the other day that was nice.


And yes, temp will be an issue with that, hard to fit a heater in there and still look normal

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I was thinking I would get a top made for it if I got it anyhow.:) Whatever tank I get I will prolly get a top made just so I can have it how I want it.


I don't think I'm going to get that tank now that I've thought about it more, I'm starting to want zooanthids and I think I'll need something bigger than that... I think I might just end up with a ten gallon. so many decisions...

:( are there any zooanthids that don't have that whole killer-poison thing going on BTW? I realise you'd prolly need to chomp into one for it to get in you but I'm paranoid, would rather just find something that isn't poisonous (or at least that poisonous).

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Zoos are pretty toxic. Licking your finger after handling zoos can cause you some health issues.


When ever I work in the tank I always wear dish washing gloves which I fully rinse afterwards. Better safe than sorry.

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  • 1 month later...

actually zoanthids aren't the problem its the palythoa that are the really poisonous ones..the are LETHAL and not a joke. the contain palytoxin for which there is currently no antipoison/serum. so always be careful when handling them, especially with cuts or wounds!!



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