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100% water exchanges


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Depends on the situation. I have done it because the situation called for it in a cycling tank. Best way to dilute any unwanted existing water condition.

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I could see that in a cycling tank.. but not to an established tank.. I mean we're striving for stability here.


would be nice to get some opinions as I'm setting up a sub gallon pico.. which will need LOTS of water changes.

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Why do you think you need to do 100 %? Or are you just asking? I personally don't like to do 100 percent but have seen it done alot with no problems.

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No problem with it at all. Some of the nicest reef aquariums in the world (ever see the 5000 g tank at Waikiki?) are on a "flow through" setup where 100% water changes are happening every day.

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I suspect the reason for the question has to do with a disagreement in philosophy with Mike Maddox?


And, yes, I wouldn't hesitate to do it in an established tank if the situation called for it.

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I suspect the reason for the question has to do with a disagreement in philosophy with Mike Maddox?


And, yes, I wouldn't hesitate to do it in an established tank if the situation called for it.




Doesn't seem logical when we're trying to maintain stable parameters and large swings do kill things and cause RTN in SPS


would be nice to get some opinions as I'm setting up a sub gallon pico.. which will need LOTS of water changes.



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well theres a lot of sense to it.

logically, the animals we care for endure much more water flow and many more fluctuations in parameters that what happens in our tanks. everyday on the reefs there is a 100% water change that occurs due to the tidal cycle. you might think this water has the exact same chemistry as the water that was there before, but no its not. quite simply, our corals can take much more than we think they can, just like humans can survive much longer thank 1 minute without air.

small variations in the water your introducing to you tank is acceptable. large variations are not.

all you have to do to have a successful 100% water change is to have heated water, the correct salinity, and fairly close water parameters.


PS, please dont be profane on the forums, there's no need to be. ;)

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that's what the # is for ;) .. just reading a thread on RC about it.. somewhat making sense now.. and I guess when you buy something from the LFS and put it into your tank.. it would go through a similar scenario.. i thought a big swing in calcium would cause RTN.. guess you need to match that parameter also?


also..i'm assuming you would mix your water for a lot longer than if you were just doing a smaller change?

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that's what the # is for ;) .. just reading a thread on RC about it.. somewhat making sense now.. and I guess when you buy something from the LFS and put it into your tank.. it would go through a similar scenario.. i thought a big swing in calcium would cause RTN.. guess you need to match that parameter also?

like i said above, small changes (only about +/- 10 PPM for Mg and Ca and .5 DKH for alkalinity along with only about +/- .2 for PH and only +/- .002 for salinity) would be fine. ;)

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I had a friend that would leave his heater on above 85F and just add tons of hypersalinity salt mix and his coral's thrived it was crazy but now over time they are not all that impressive

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it was suggested on another thread for someone to deal with cyano..


i was leery about it too



never know but I can say as long as you go slow you can do a 50% water change over a 12 hour time period no problem but I would stop there for a week before doing another but who knows I seen some crazy things

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ive dont 100% water changes in about 1 hr and nothing bad has happened to my tank... a seabae anemone has survived all of them...so what can that say about it? ;)

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If I ever get zoopox I put them in 100% new salt water and furan 2 other then that who know's I think corals can survive it not sure about fish?

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