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Refract calibration


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When I first got my refract, I calibrated it with distilled water, to 0.0, as stated in the directions. Ever since my tank has been reading 1.025, and thats what I've been keeping it at, so I thought. Just got calibration fluid and it turns out my tank was actually at 1.022. So just a FYI for anyone out there with a new refract..calibrate it with calibration fluid!

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I agree!


i calibrate mine with ro/di water from my unit. comes out perfect to 1.025. i went to lfs tested it on theres was also perfect. then i bought a hyrdometer. brand new perfect 1.025. but then again i paid $80 for my refractometer and it didnt come with calibration fluid and my lfs is the best in SA, TX(Aquarium Designs, they also get amazing corals from sea world, and sea world also buys eals and sharks and etc from AD) so yeah idk if my refractrometer is different or something lol.

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i calibrate mine with ro/di water from my unit. comes out perfect to 1.025. i went to lfs tested it on theres was also perfect. then i bought a hyrdometer. brand new perfect 1.025. but then again i paid $80 for my refractometer and it didnt come with calibration fluid and my lfs is the best in SA, TX(Aquarium Designs, they also get amazing corals from sea world, and sea world also buys eals and sharks and etc from AD) so yeah idk if my refractrometer is different or something lol.


What we are saying is that you don't know if your 1.025 reading is accurate, because calibrating to 0 with RO/DI is not ideal since the calibration point is so far off from the typical measuring point.


I just made some calibration fluid myself in the university's chem lab and checked my refractometer. It was about 1 PSU too low. I have been calibrating with RO/DI for months now! I called all the LFSs around me trying to find fluid before making it myself, and they sounded like they thought I was nuts when asking for calibration fluid. They all said they used RO/DI. So perhaps as long as it's consistent, it may not be as important as we are making it out to be. Still, it is nice to know what your salinity actually is!

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