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Fishy and shrimpy pics...


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Tried my best to get decent pics....cant get the fishes to float still :P


Shrimpy is always happy to pose for the camera. Here is a pic of her:

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They seem to want to spend all thier time in the right hand side of the tank. While shrimpy spends her time on the left hand side of tank on a rock wall.


I just love these fishes! They are sooo cute! :P Their behavior and style of swiming is just so cute.

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The pics look great. Are the clowns setting up camp in the coral or did you just get them swimming in front of it? I had a problem with clowns and corals in my old tank. The clown won until I dropped him into my sump for 2 months until I could find a bigger and better home for him. Oddly, he seemed to like the sump. Weird fish. Fitting name.

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LudavicoTechnique: 100% agreed! :)


The clowns seem to like hanging in that area, dont know why.


They are European tank bred clowns, so they probably dont even have the natural instinct? Dont know.


I have a very large bubble coral now, and they havent even tried to go into that, so I guess they wont.

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I was going to respond earlier, but the site is so slow I couldn't wait for everything to upload.


I love clowns myself, they can be such characters!!!

I have one that sleeps on top of the powerhead and she will even defend it against snails and the other fish. Just before she laid eggs, she got all chummy with the majano anemones (these are a pest anemone like aiptasia), laid her eggs in their midst and promptly ignored them after that. Go figure.


The best thing about these clowns is they can stand up for themselves, yet they aren't too aggressive with other more docile fish.


Thanks for posting the pics!

And just so your shrimp doesn't feel left out, I like your shrimp too! :D

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Hey NanoReefin, yeah in that pic does look like they are floatingin air!


Yeah took loads of pics...they keep on moving around, and very hard to focus and keep focus on a moving object, and I dont have a tripod either.


I am using a Canon A20 2.1MegaPixel Digital cam.

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