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Very special care requirements . Do a search on google. The other prob is you are VERY limited on other livestock as the seahorses will not compete for food.

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I looked into seahorses when I was starting my nano and I have to say I'd steer clear of them until you've got lots of experience and are willing to have a dedicated tank. I discovered that most species require live food, specific tank decorations (for them to hold on to), extremely high water quality etc. In other words you'd have to tailor your whole tank around the seahorse other than have a seahorse as an addition to your tank.


Just my two bits.



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perfect place for you to go is seahorse.org (especially since your name's karen, you'll understand once you get there). ;)


most people there don't recommend horses in a 'true' reef setting due to the many naturally-occuring stinging inhabitants. also, the typical water movement/flow used in reefs would blow the horses (most types) all over the place as they prefer calmer waters.


horses should probably primarily be in a species-tank. as darwin notes, their care and needs require active and concentrated attention by the aquarist versus a peripheral animal in most of our tanks (non-specific reef tanks).


the girls at shorgy can definitely help you if you still want horses but be prepared for a lot of work and time as well as slightly different physical preferences (e.g. taller tanks, slower flow, etc.). they're wonderful creatures altho i personally don't have the patience for them. hth

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