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Coral Vue Hydros

Would you reply to an online survey?


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Hi folks,


So although I haven't been too active in posting in the forums, I have been reading them now and again still. Mostly with grad school I haven't been able to keep up on posting pics and such. BUT I am still thinking of the hobby.


I am taking a class where I am writing about the hobby and would really like to do an online survey of nanoreef members - it would be an offsite survey but that way your responses wouldn't even be linked to the screen name you use and so it would be completely anonymous. I would be asking about what you do for a living and things to get an idea of the variety of people who use online forums for the hobby and also about your level of involvement in the hobby.


As a grad student I am poor (and especially as a grad student with a saltwater reefing hobby!) and I didn't want to pay the money to construct the survey unless it was something that you guys and gals would help me out with by responding. It is completely voluntary of course, but with so many users I thought it would be really awesome to shoot for 1,000 responses and then I could publish on here some information so you can all see the range of people who are participating.


Again, it would be voluntary and anonymous so your name I never know.


Let me know if you think we could keep it alive long enough....


Thanks everyone!

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the information you're looking for can already be found here - for instance, we have a 'what do you do for a living' thread. the info is free, you just gotta put the time in. ;)

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Thanks for the replies everyone - I'm considering something fairly short because its aimed at demographics and ways of participating in the community. 5 - 10 minutes to complete max.


The reason I don't want to go just from surveys already here is that I want to be able to tie answers together in my analysis (for example do people who have been in the hobby a long time still frequently use the forums and sharing, or is it people who are newer?) and the only way to do that is if I have answers tied together. I have already looked at some of the surveys here and seen some great things, but hope to expand it more.


Again, thanks for the thoughts everyone.

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I'll help!


As a former psych grad student, I remember how hard it can be finding people to do stuff like that. Also surveys are fun!

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I would do it. Btw, where are you at in California? I am a grad student in the UC system as well


Not in SoCal, I'm up north!


Cool thanks for the responses everyone. I'm going to put a draft of the survey through my professor to make sure she approves and then hopefully I'll have it up later this weekend or next week. I love how helpful everyone on here has been with hobby and non-hobby things!

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