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Cultivated Reef

Corrosion when changing water...


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There was this guy who told me that his neighbours staying below him called in the HDB officers one day when their pipes corroded. When the officers did an investigation, they found that the problem came from the saltwater from this guy's saltwater tanks in his apartment and because he was having about 5 tanks at that time, he was given a fine and was required to remove most of his tanks due to weight over loading.


Is it true that doing water change frequently by a disposing of the saltwater will cause corrosions in the toliet pipes of our HDB flats. Does the saltwater cause corrosion to the furnitures or etc in your own house as well?

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Saltwater won't hurt modern plastic PVC pipes, but I imagine it would corrode the older metal ones over time. Saltwater can even rust most types of stainless steel.


HDB = Housing Development Board ;)

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I have had some similar concerns. Is saltwater bad for Granite counters? It definitely rusted some of my stainless steel sink at my old apartment. I am hoping it doesn't do the same to my new place.

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I thought the HDB was responsible for the maintenace of pipes and drainage systems? How much of a fine was imposed? How many marine tanks do you have? I have a 55 gallon and a 20 gallon marine at home. also have 5 other tanks but they're freshwater. How big is your tank? If your concerned, get an overhead filter and get sintered glass, activated carbon, chemi-pure filter media, and filter floss/wool. With your live rocks and Live sand, you shouldn't need regular water changes like other reefers do. getting nitrate remover would also be reccomended. WHich part of Singapore do you live in? Many people go to Rainbow, but at the price they're selling their stuff, I could buy much more stuff at some other lfs. At serangoon north. Though they have so much competition, p[rices are still high.

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