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My fishes!!!


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I was wondering about the amount of fish i should have. I have a 10 gal with a 180 Rio powerhead, 50 watt ebo-jager heater, no special lighting..i need that, and a penguin mini-bio wheel. I have about 7 lbs of Fiji live rock that is cycling. My fish interests are:


Mandarin fish

Small Pelecula clowns or regular clowns



and wrasses


about how many fish should i put in the tank? Thanx for the info. If you could also reccomend a good yet not very expensive lighting system that would be a great help...i currently have a regular hood with a eclipse bulb that i got from my brother...well let me know and thanxk again.

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Be prepared for an onslaught. Just hold your breath and be happy :D


Mandarins are a no no in nanoreefs. They require live food, namely pods and they will deplete that food source from a nano very quickly. Feeding mandarins prepared food is an option, but it is very unlikely it will ever accept it. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS FISH FOR A NANO.


Firefish/Gobies/Wrasses are fine for nanos. Gobies like to jump. So be prepared for a gobie that may wind up a crispy critter.


Clowns are great, hardy and easy to care for. You can do 2 of them (true/false percs) in a 10, but no other fish.


I would not do more than 1 or 2 fish in a nano.


Good luck and have fun.

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Firefish are the bomb if you have a hood. If not, they will jump out.


There are some gobies that are colorful, small, and much less apt to jump out. Such as clown gobies.


Ocellaris or percula clowns will work fine. There are many tank-raised specimens available... save a reef!


And to quote the wise and powerful AbSoluTc, please no Mandarins. They almost always die in small tanks. They usually die in large tanks, too, but especially in small tanks. For a mandarin, small is less than 75 gallons, because they need a huge and rapidly replentished copepod population.

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