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Cultivated Reef

Transplanting mushrooms


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I have a mushroom rock that I would like to take a few mushrooms off of, and place them in another tank. Is this possible, and if so, then what is the best way to do it? Thanks.

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Depending on what I want to end up with.


When I just want to move them (one or just few), I just try to get them out of the rock (pull out very nicely, sometime use something to get them out of rock.


When I want to end up with two shroom, I just cut them in the middle (middle between base and top, make sure some base still at the top part, so you don't have to wait too long). This will end up with two shroom, one at original rock and another one is the one you cut. It will take few days to a week to heal it and, base one will start to grow like shroom when it already heal. Been doing this twice and both time come out good (just feel a little bad for the shroom when I cut them). The one I cut out of rock is now in my friend's tank and looking happy, the one in original rock, start to look like shroom again.




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I have ref' tank, so usually I put new rock and shroom in the ref' tank where water isn't moving too strong and shroom isn't moving with current.


Last week I get one shroom from LFS ($3), got home and just put him on the rock (where shroom seem won't move with current). My friend (gut same shroom same day), use rubber band kind of wrap around shroom (just so that it won't fly with current) and rock for a day or two and once we think shroom stick we just cut the rubber band... He also use small rock work to block current (spare rock) sometime and when he see new member stick to the rock, he just move the rock else where.

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You can also hold the mushrooms in place with a small piece of bridal veil material. This can be found at any sewing store or WalMart. Use rubber bands to hold the netting/veil on the rock. Water can still flow through to the mushroom. Cut away the veil after the mushroom has attached. You can use this technique for many types of coral.

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